Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Dec 6

Monument Update
Well, there wasn't one, at least Jerry didn't intend on giving one.  Nothing on the agenda, (no mention in his EWLL December piece).

So, during public comments, when a citizen asked about an EAGC update, Jerry reminded everyone Jim Miller, EAGC chair, had just given his update a couple of weeks ago.  So, what were the results of the bids for the monuments that were opened on November 28th?  It was quite apparent Jerry didn't want to go there.

The good news, there were 19 individuals/companies that picked up RFP packets.  The bad news is there were only three that submitted bids...and the results are...we will get to that.

In the meantime $26,000 has been spent on what is now a full fledged fiasco.  The $50,000 given by Kansas City is almost half gone with nothing to show for it...and not even a thought about replacing the original monument at Barry and Eastside  Squandering of tax payer money?  Squander might be a gentle description

Who is to blame?  More tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

What a joke, who is in charge of this mess anyway? The answer is nobody.

Anonymous said...

it was doomed from the beginning, all they needed was a little common sense.

Anonymous said...

Common sense is in short supply, why would weatherby lake be any different? It is hysterical to watch a few people who want a tax break to drive the city into looking stupid.

Anonymous said...

Mike....hate to point it out your inaccuracy, but.....if $26,000 has been spent, the $50K is not "ALMOST half gone", it's OVER half gone!

Either way, I get ya. It's been a full-fledged smelly, tax-write off scam initiated by a few residents supposedly speaking on behalf of the majority.

I've always been open-minded about the initiative, but totally against the scope and how the committee has remained on the major down-low.

Someone's eventually going to have to provide answers or I think legal action should ensue.

Anonymous said...

"a few people who want a tax break"

Spoken by someone who doesnt need a tax break but an excuse not to donate

Whoever donates will be getting some tax relief but still out of pocket for the majority of the contribution doing it for other reasons than the tax break

Thats why I wont donate It is a city project and both you and I should pay our fair share

This lets someone else pay so they get a "tax break " lets too many off the hook