Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tur de East Side

Took a morning bike ride the other day, (7:15 AM to be exact) and made my way up East Side Drive after turning off Rocky Point...nice work out on the hills.  As I approached City Hall I noticed a fair amount of traffic entering our City from the "back end" (why would the EAGC decide to highlight the "rear" of the City...but I digress).  Common feature of the 12 consecutive cars I observed, bedsides four wheels,... no City stickers, hence my huge assumption they were not City residents and just passing through.  Nothing wrong with that.  But it did make me wonder.  When was the last time the City has conducted a traffic survey?  Answer: years.  Why bother?  $, road $ that is.  As you might recall our fair City is part of three separate road districts.  When was the last time we got some of the road money for repairs or paving?  When was the last time the Mayor or BOA formally approached any one of the three jurisdictions?

It would require some heavy lifting by our elected officials to fix the problem...and none are up to the task.  That is the plain truth.

(Somebody made the comment recently the monuments @ City Hall resembled a "cow chute"...not sure about that...maybe "car chute")
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Anonymous said...

Have you seen the cherry red trash cans and posts that the Improvement Company painted. They don't think any better than the city. TRASHY.

Anonymous said...

What is hypocritical about the WLIC - their docks are the WORST !!! on the lake yet they write up privately owned docks for the most minor half-baked infractions. Next time one of the WLIC write up your dock, take a look at their docks and decide if you need to bother with any changes to yours.

Anonymous said...

There is no question, under Joe Ennett's leadership, it is do as I say, not as I do. 900PM, exactly which WLIC docks are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the WLIC docks should be condemned based on the standards they force the membership to follow. Not hard to spot the dilapidated WLIC docks at any of the access areas. If your dock has been written up and they attempt to enforce their penalties, could be considered harassment.

Anonymous said...

Certain individuals need to be removed from the dock inspection patrol. One of them has some sort of god-like complex and likes to throw his weight around. My guess is he had some mundane unfulfilling job in life, got himself on the dock committee, and now likes to prove his superiority. I agree, people at WL do not have to put up with this.

Anonymous said...

I am not defending the 'god' guy, but as a long time volunteer to the Space and Dock committee, inspectors should be looking at all WLIC docks in their assigned area and submit problems noted on our Improvement Company docks also. If you see something that needs fixed, just call the office.

Anonymous said...

When we were cited for repairs, we went down to our dock and literally could not find what the issue was. The letter was vague and generic. So replaced a few boards . . . they weren’t rotten . . . they weren’t warped but that seemed to do the trick because we never heard from WLIC again. Then we looked at C-point docks with sloppy paint and very warped boards and wondered what the H**L was going on. Looked at all the docks around the lake and it became very obvious the inspector had some s***k up his a*s over us. Found out who the inspector is and he's definitely got to be the one with the superiority complex. We've already taking detailed pictures of all the run-down WLIC docks. If we get another letter, we’re going to shove those pictures down his throat.

Anonymous said...

The "god like" dude and me are buds. He looks the other way when he passes my dock! I've never had a problem. He's great!

Anonymous said...

10:15pm Thanks for the laugh