Sunday, August 12, 2012

Google This

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
7 August

While the Mayor and Council focus on Signs and Golf Carts an opportunity that might really affect the community goes unexplored.  The Mayor, during his Comments, mentioned he had received communications from resident Don Coleman about the possibility of WL being proactive in pursuing Google as they arrive in Metro KCMO and KCKS.  Jerry's thoughts on the matter is we will "get them here when they get there" and mused about NKC "wished they would have saved their money".  Now I know you all know about Google putting up their high speed network in the area.  Unless you read the KC Star you might not know what the Bos was referring.  NKC spent part of their windfall from the Boat to finance a community owned fiber optics internet system...apparently a money loser.  What that has to do with Google exactly the Mayor did not explain, nor did anybody on the BOA ask.  There was no discussion, the Board satisfied the Mayor had done the due diligence and we will keep plodding along with our friends from Time Warner

All fiberhoods are different. They range in size and density as well as speed and ease of Fiber construction. For example, houses that are spread out (like in the suburbs) require more time, fiber and labor, and therefore are more difficult to connect than homes in a dense urban environment. So, in those fiberhoods that are more complicated to build, we want to make sure that enough residents will want Fiber service. We don’t want Fiber to be out of reach for anyone—it’s our hope that the pre-registration goals will be practical and attainable.

The Kansas City Star reports Google now has tentative agreements to offer the service in three small cities in northern Johnson County Westwood, Westwood Hills and Mission Woods.The city councils in each community will have to approve the agreements. The Star says residents would get a chance to register only after residents on the Missouri side have signed up.Google Fiber will offer a variety of options for Internet connections and paid TV services.


Anonymous said...

we should start a petition to get Bos off his *ss.

Anonymous said...

A petition would never work because that assumes our lake is governed "for the many" vs. the few. It's clear that city decision-making around here is to benefit the few.

Anonymous said...

Amen, the few, the rich, the connected and the elite! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ TALKS!

My Internet speed is fine as it is for the many. I'm with the mayor on this one!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see someone reporting on this. Had been wondering if anyone in our area was interested in Google Fiber. Very disppointed in Bos. This is a true opportunity for everyone at WL. My internet speed isn't fine, like 8:42, because I can only afford a low level service. Wish Bos would take a second look.