Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Money Talks

It also helps win elections.  Take the recent vote for District 1 County Commissioner.  How much do you think was spent?  The final tally isn't in, but looking at both candidates financial disclosures the aggregate amount spent for Roper/Dusenbery was almost $100,000 ($94,199).  The final tally is due the first week of September, if I think of it I will give you an update.  If you have an inquiring mind, you might wonder how much was raised per vote received.  4,462 votes were cast.  Do the math and the result is about $21.11 per vote.  And this wasn't even a county wide election.  Wow.

If you really want to get into the details you can go to the Missouri Ethics web site where the financial disclosures are posted.  Included in the reports are the details of who contributed.  Nothing stunning there, but interesting nonetheless.  (click on the link, go to "Quick Search" then "Candidate or Committee Name Search)
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Serious Money
Serious Money (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Anonymous said...

Kathy......lots of developers. Our 'friend' Jim Owens...$1000!!!!
(Notice punctuation).
Thanks for the interesting website, Mike.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of millionaire Jerry and all his rich out of city friends the first time he ran for election.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of elections –

There are people on the WLIC board of directors who work hard with the upmost best intentions – with very little recognition. And there are people, like the past president – Rick Noble, who probably started out with the best of intentions and then started down the power hungry avenue. It is understandable, the longer one is in a power perceived position, and it can go to your head.

Joe Ennett began with the best intentions. As time has gone on, his objectives have gone from serving the community to an intermittent displaced power mode. There are decisions made that are “do as I say, not do as I do” and “We are the WLIC and can do whatever we want – we win our court cases.” (This, by the way, is not true.)

Recently the WLIC has been praised over and over again about the C-Point renovation. Please keep in mind that the membership of The Weatherby Lake Improvement Company is paying for it. WLIC has a million and a half dollars in loans. Joe Ennett and colleagues did not come up with the C-point renovation by pulling money out of a hat. The membership is paying for it.

There are some Weatherby Lakers who have been intimated and threatened with litigation if they do not do as Joe Ennett directs. Joe Ennett and colleagues biggest stranglehold on an individual member is their direct control over all of the membership’s monies. It can be spent on improving an access area or litigation – their call. And since there are hundreds of thousands of dollars at their disposal, it can be extremely difficult for a single member to come up with the financial means to fight this. It is much easier to concede and do exactly as directed by the WLIC – however wrong, unfair, unsubstantiated, dishonest, or self-interested the WLIC decision is. Further, if anyone does get up enough gumption to oppose the WLIC, then the WLIC propaganda machine kicks in. They are threatened with – the WLIC staff will broadcast over and over again that this individual is spending the “members” money’ via lawyers. The individual will forever be branded and label as anti-Weatherby Lake.

We ask if there is anyone who has felt the suppression of the WLIC, and just gave up, please stand up and fight for what you believe are your rights.

We need a change of regime at the WLIC. We ask that a new WLIC president to-be step forward. Someone who recognizes all the membership as neighbors; who can look at a conflict or situation objectively; whose personal ego does not come into play; someone with the best of intentions.

Anonymous said...

The word "mafia" is used to refer to almost any organized crime group, and in some cases is used to describe groups completely unrelated to crime.

Anonymous said...

Extortion, intimidation, extraction, coercion, threats are crimes.

Anonymous said...

"There are people on the WLIC board of directors who work hard with the upmost best intentions – with very little recognition. And there are people, like the past president – Rick Noble, who probably started out with the best of intentions and then started down the power hungry avenue. It is understandable, the longer one is in a power perceived position, and it can go to your head."
"We need a change of regime at the WLIC. We ask that a new WLIC president to-be step forward. Someone who recognizes all the membership as neighbors; who can look at a conflict or situation objectively; whose personal ego does not come into play; someone with the best of intentions."

The biggest problem with un paid public service !
Why would anybody want to selflessly serve people like this ?
Free time and passion and they get morons like this questioning their motives
Rick Joe Thank you for your service You have both done great things
Dont let this never ending stupidity discourage you

Every community has more than one ungrateful uniformed village idiot

Anonymous said...

It is true that some people volunteer because they are good and caring people who want to give back. There are several good and caring people on the WLIC board.

There are all sorts of motives for volunteering. For example, people who held mundane jobs in life or had an appalling childhood find volunteering to be a way to gain prestige. It’s a way to build their ego, a feeling of importance, and to gain attention. And the more they “do” for the public, the more they feel they gain respect and importance. A couple of our WLIC “frontrunners” are perfect examples of this. Unfortunately they have taken it to the next level. It is not selflessness. There is a certain high in controlling and dominating other people.

Making public statements like “We are the WLIC and can do whatever we want – we win our court cases” is an authoritarian not volunteer mindset. A statement like that is not coming from selfless motives.

Didn’t see Rick Neece’s name mentioned before. It is interesting 3:33 you brought his name up. Apparently 3:33, he is one of the culprits.

It also is interesting, 3:33, that someone who has been wronged by the WLIC you call a village idiot. Makes your above dissertation empty words.

Anonymous said...

7:46, huh?

What does Rick Neece have to do with anything said by 3:33? The Rick referenced is Nobel.

Anonymous said...

Rick Noble left on some very bad terms. Some people think he did a great job, more people than not thanked God he was gone. To thank Rick Noble for his work would be a matter of opinion.

To assume 3:33 reference was to Rick Neece would not a stretch of the imagination.

Anonymous said...

9:59. The WLIC does not have the power to stop anyone from getting the word out on their side of an issue. If the WLIC has done anything illegal it becomes a matter for the prosecutor’s office. If anyone has truly been wronged, then one has the right to ask for their attorney’s fees to be reimbursed. If it were ever to get to that point, people of WL will be taking a hard look at who’s running the show and kick them out.

Anonymous said...

It also is interesting, 3:33, that someone who has been wronged by the WLIC you call a village idiot. Makes your above dissertation empty word

Attending a WLIC meeting validates that there are more than a few village idiots here

But a "dissertation " that is critical two volunteer presidents is fair game

Why dont you run ?

Oh ...I know you want to remain an anonymous village idiot most idiots dont take long to show it

Anonymous said...

Right I must be an idiot to miss that brillant observation

"Joe Ennett and colleagues did not come up with the C-point renovation by pulling money out of a hat. The membership is paying for it. "

Is that where we got the money for Drug Prescription plan D ?

Anonymous said...

We personally are extremely happy with the C-point renovations. If we have to pay out a loan on it - more than happy to do so. Credit to the WLIC board members for their hard work on it. But how many wonderful things could we create in this community by getting the monies through loans? 4:49, not everyone realizes there is a loan on it. Yes, I know 4:49, you're going to call them village idiots.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if there are any more bean fields available for sale at bargan basement price?

Anonymous said...

"Yes, I know 4:49, you're going to call them village idiots."

Mitt and I will bet $10000.00 that you are getting Drug Plan D

You know those big government entitlements that are not paid for

So much better to get things we need for free that have a loan!

Dont worry my kids will cover that loan from China

Anonymous said...

Rick Noble was very anti City of Weatherby Lake. No wonder Mike you are fan of his and can't-do-no-wrong WLIC.

Anonymous said...

Ok but please dont give us that sweaty speech about the similarities between the WLIC and the Nazis again.

Still regret I didnt grab your video camera and get that in your collection