Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mile High Club

Southwest airlines
Southwest airlines (Photo credit: Photographer Clayton)
Now that I have your couldn't have missed the announcement regarding the plans for the new airport this week.  Take out Terminal A, build a gigundo terminal with a ginormous parking garage and voila!, everything will be up to date in Kansas City.  And, at no cost to the taxpayer of KCMO...well at least not out of the general fund (there will be Federal funds involved, which are free of course).

In the past two weeks I have had the pleasure (swallow) of flying three different airlines for business, Southwest, American and Delta.  The convenience of access to the gate, relatively quick TSA check and then bag retrieval upon return is unmatched...anywhere.  Kiss that goodbye.  Okay, so we don't have a shopping mall or fancy boutiques, food choices are limited and some of the departure areas are small and crowded.  Ask Bubba, frequent flyer champion what he prefers.  It will be the Bubbas of the world, and their companies who will pay a big chunk of the freight, because of the sure bet increases in airfare to cover the costs...and then there is the occasional trips for pleasure that will get tagged as well.

That is progress, at the cost of a billion dollars.

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Anonymous said...

We could spend that billion rebuilding Iraq or building a missle shield for Poland

Whats wrong with these people

This might create some jobs like Iraq did for Haliburton

Anonymous said...

Blame the Aviation Director, Van Loh.

No one wants this but him. At least we are down from the whole 152 entrance and infrastructure. It's getting better but could still be better.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to cry when the ribbon is cut. I travel a lot and know well the impact. Completely unnecessary and ranks right up there with the distribution center at the airport that is a bust so far.

Projects for project sake. Shameful.

Captain MacMullan said...

For the record:

I approve of any terminal plan that limits the physical activity for the traveler.

Any plan that limits the walking for me gets my vote.

However, if I can drive my patrol car to the front of the security line, that would be helpful.

Obama, call me, I can help you get this through Congress.

Anonymous said...

You'd better get through to Obama quick. It won't be long he'll be out of office. He is the biggest disgrace that this coutry has ever had the misfortune to have in the office of president. He or someone high up in his administration stood by and let our people be murdered without lifting a finger to try to stop it. I can't wait till election day to get rid of this low life tyrant!

Anonymous said...

President Romney

A white man like you

Admit it You like Dubya who you described well
" the biggest disgrace that this coutry has ever had the misfortune to have in the office of president"

Dont get your hopes up

President Romney
President Bain Capital on Nov 7th

Speaking of Romney did you catch the last debate

Like Newt said he ia a liar and a well oiled weathervane

So are you enjoying your Drug Plan D benefits ?

Anonymous said...

If the shoe fits...

Poll: Today
US majority have prejudice against blacks

"A new AP poll finds that racial prejudice is not limited to one group of partisans. Although Republicans were more likely than Democrats to express racial prejudice in the questions measuring explicit racism, an implicit test showed a majority of those in both parties held anti-black feelings.

Those views could cost President Barack Obama votes as he tries for re-election.

In all, 51 percent of Americans now express explicit anti-black attitudes, compared with 48 percent in a similar 2008 survey. When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election. In both tests, the share of Americans expressing pro-black attitudes fell."

Admit it you are on the big government dole creating most of the debt and you think the White House is just that.

Not only are the odds stacked against the President cleaning up Dudyas Mess he has a huge challenge
getting elected with so many grumpy old white men on entitlements

Anonymous said...

The KC Star’s editorial

Keep President Obama in the White House

President Barack Obama entered the Oval Office under dire conditions — a hemorrhaging economy and a dispirited GOP intent on limiting him to one term, at any cost.

Despite those odds, he has kept his cool and his head.

His policies helped the middle class and kept a deep recession from becoming worse. He repaired America’s reputation in the world. And he got important legislation passed.

For that, the nation is better — not fully healed, but pushing forward. He has earned another four years.

Among his top accomplishments, Obama:

• Ended the war in Iraq.

• Is on track to responsibly bring troops home from the war in Afghanistan, following the killing of America’s top enemy, Osama bin Laden.

• Pushed through tax cuts for the middle class.

• Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to better protect women from discrimination.

• Ended “don’t ask, don’t tell,” allowing gays and lesbians to serve without prejudice in the military.

• Created the Consumer Financial Protection bureau, which has successfully led to new safeguards.

• Sparked efforts to improve education and expand and lighten the cost of student college loans.

• Boosted the fuel economy standards for cars.

• Signed the Affordable Care Act, his signature achievement so far that will give Americans access to insurance, regardless of pre-existing conditions and without limits.

No question, Obama has underperformed in some ways, too.

He needs to pick up the pace of wooing more lawmakers personally to build consensus and get more legislation passed. His good ideas to put Americans to work on improving infrastructure, education and alternative energy need more votes. He’ll need to shift his campaign crowd skills to one-on-one arm twisting with the next Congress.

So why not recommend Republican candidate Mitt Romney?

We have no clue which Romney he would become as a president.

Would the nation get the Massachusetts, pro-health-care-for-all, rather moderate model?

Or the hard-right, tea party panderer of the primaries, who sought dubious immigration policy advice from Kansas’ Kris Kobach, an alienator of national proportions?

Or the new, improved, peace-loving final debate version?

A strong executive who can buy and sell companies and is used to getting his way is not the same as a visionary leader who can pull people together.

Romney’s comment in a private donor setting — belittling the 47 percent who don’t pay income taxes as freeloaders — is damning and hard-to-shake evidence that he may not really care so much about many Americans of lesser portfolios.

And it’s immensely troubling that Romney’s tax plans don’t add up. His wish to lower all tax rates, without specifying how he’d counter the revenue loss with elimination of deductions and loopholes, is not acceptable. Will home mortgage and charitable deductions get the boot? Or will he eventually try to sell his fluctuating “cap” on the total dollar amount of deductions, which in some iterations wouldn’t make a dent in the debt?

As a successful businessman, it’s hard to imagine Romney accepting his own nebulous presentations if someone else were pitching them to him as a financier. So why should Americans buy vague promises?

Romney’s abortion ideas and general views on women (no comment on pay equity) are troubling. There is a real risk his Supreme Court appointments would be anti-abortion, and women’s private health decisions could be dangerously restricted.

His one major foreign policy trip this year included an insult to the Brits over their handling of the Olympics and then cozying up with a major donor in Israel, skipping the Palestinian-Israeli border dispute areas.

In too many ways, Romney resembles a slick salesman, willing to fudge and say anything to close the deal.

It’s no deal for us.

We look ahead to four more years of Obama’s reasoned, compassionate and forward-looking ideas on good jobs, fair taxes and better education to meet the global competition.

Anonymous said...

6:41, What would you expect from the KC Star, really. If you follow their endorsements, always highly weighted to Democrats, you would be in the minority...check out their endorsements at any level and you will see their track record of reflecting the actual vote is... embarrassing. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

The Star makes a point of as did Newt and John Huntsman

Huntsman called him "a well oiled weathervane "

Newt was a little more direct and accurate when he called him a liar

Newt must be a Democrat too

Anonymous said...

Speaking of lying...the Administration seems to be getting the hang of it in the changing versions of what happened, and who knew what happened in Libya at our embassy...both of your sources, the NY Times and Washington Post have questioned the veracity, heaven forbid, of the President.

Anonymous said...

OMG! the outrage

What Candy knew before 911 and ignored
Scooter Libby

OMG ...The indignation

But these men where white

Ideology racism and partisanship and stubborness will be our demise

Anonymous said...

Mike, thanks for publishing all Comments, just a rem
Inder we have a few goofballs among us.

Anonymous said...

We know

You just want him to post what you agree with

Like your boy Willard ...facts are irrelevant

You can say what you want and the slower people go along

Anonymous said...

You mean the goofballs who are Akin to vote for anybody with an R in front of the name?

President Romney

President of Bain Capital Nov 6