Thursday, October 4, 2012

Water Board(ing)

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
2 October

The rough waters encountered by Mayor Bos regarding passage of the 2013 budget isn't without precedent. Former mayor Mike Henderson, after struggling to come up with a city budget, sent his proposal via email, to the aldermen for review.  It contained an Excel spreadsheet with various department projections.  Turns out the author of the document was not Henderson but...Paul Gross.  True story.  The properties tab indicated PG was the owner/author...oops.

But I digress.

This somnolent Board of Aldermen has pretty much been sleep walking when it comes to the City Financials during the past two years, thus a bit surprising anybody would even question the Mayor on the budget or anything within it.  During the budget hearing the Mayor expressed concern over the tight budget/finances of the City and admitting, as Public Works Director George pointed out in a recent conversation, he (Bos) "screwed up" when it came to not passing along the water rate increases from KCMO.  In Jerry's words, "we never caught up".  Yawn from the BOA.

The water and sewer rate increase hearing will precede next month's BOA.  Presumably the Mayor and BOA will take another run at the 2013 budget at that BOA meeting as well.  Will the citizenry go "berserk" as Vic suggests?  I promise I won't but I cannot vouch for the other two citizens who attended last meeting.  They might need waterboarding.  
Riot Police.
Riot Police. (Photo credit: alhussainy)
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Jackdaw Observer said...

39% increase would be a tough pill to swallow. Monthly bills might displace the shock.

Anonymous said...

Why remind us of Paul Gross

Just like W was a tool of others lets not continue to blame Paul and Dick Cheney

We will never know the extent of the damage done by puppet masters for many of the problems we face.

Lets look to the future

Mitt Romney for President

President of Bain Capital
November 8

Dont go for another empty suit with no ideas of his own