Wednesday, May 7, 2014

And The New West Side Alderman Is...

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
May 6th
Doug Richmond.  Introduced and nominated by the newly sworn in Mayor Botbyl, Richmond was described as a "friend" with an "engineering background".  His nomination was confirmed by the BOA and he was sworn in to take the alderman spot, for the remaining year of the term,  vacated with Botbyl's election as Mayor.

The first order of business of the newly installed BOA (both Finn and Clark were sworn in as well) was to elect a President of the BoardFinn nominated Clark, seconded by Stevenson, no other nominations were heard and Steve Clark is now President/Pro Tem of the BOA, a heartbeat away from the chair in the middle.

Doug and his wife Heather live at 10517 NW 79th Place.

Up next, Bos bids Adieu, Botbyl sets the Agenda


Behind the times said...

Many, many communities around us are bringing in Google Fiber. Just take a look at the KC Northwest section on Google Fiber. Even Nashua of all places!
At the very least, our Mayor/BOA should issue an explanation on the whys and why nots. We are so behind the times!

Anonymous said...

There is an old saying...we get the representation we deserve. I would not get my hopes up about getting Google. Botbyl is NOT in favor of it.

Anonymous said...

WL is falling behind the times... "it'll overload our infrastructure" said the last mayor...Mr Botbyl's friend. Its a %#@kN fiber optic cable tagged onto our poles and the equip goes in the home, my lord. Ave age 54 in WL and apparently 'old people #dontgetit' (sorry older folks who do). I made proposals regarding other vital issues and was belittled into bewilderment... I have made record of all my letters to the city and the 'Board' and documented my experiences through a website which is not visible to the public... its a magnum opus I told u so (on this date at this time, etc) project that I hope NOT to publish one day, but with way things are going... It disappoints me to see what are supposed to be intelligent comm. leaders misleading us down the path to certain demise. -Anon 9:27