Tuesday, May 13, 2014

WaterTower Ornaments

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
July 6

The City has concluded negotiations with AT&T regarding placement of antennas on the City Water Tower.  The Tower was built to include a ring at the top to accommodate antennas, it just was a long time in coming.  After some back and forth the parties have agreed to a contract that allows 12 antennas to the tune of $20,000 a year with a built in 3% increase per year.  There was no mention at the BOA on the length of the contract, nor any discussion on where the revenue would go (I for one would like to see the money dedicated to the continued maintenance of the Water Tower than dumping it into the General Fund).

There is room for another provider or the City itself if a need ever arose for something on top of the tower.  One of the provisions of the contract insisted by George was a "no weld clause", meaning AT&T cannot weld the antennas in place...seems reasonable to me.

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