Thursday, March 29, 2018

"Loud and angry"...

Draft minutes, Board of Aldermen meeting, November 8, 2017.

"Clark moved and seconded by Richmond to approve the minutes of October 17th and 23rd Budget work session.  Discussion followed with Alderman Clark submitting the amended minutes of the October 17th work session.  Mayor commented that Alderman Clark assessment that he was "loud and angry" was incorrect, and that he was being firm.  Vote was called to accept the October 17th minutes and accept the October 23rd minutes as presented.  Ayes Clark, Richmond, Footer and Finn.  Motion carried unanimously."

(I added red highlights.)

Amended minutes.
"Mayor Patrick Botbyl did not properly open the meeting nor was the clerk directed to call the roll.
Aldermen present:  Clark, Richmond, Footer and Finn.

The Mayor began the meeting by addressing the Board in a loud and angry manner for their lack of appreciation for his and staffs' efforts in compiling the annual budget in years past.  Negative comments to such were heard from Clark, Richmond and Finn."

Amended minutes obtained through a Freedom Of Information request.

No members of the public were present for the October 17th work session.  Just the Mayor, the BOA, City Clerk, City Treasurer, and Chief of Police.  I can tell you based on conversations with a few of the aldermen, "firm" is not a word they would use to characterize Botbyl's behavior.  In the end, it may have been one of the key events in convincing the aldermen Botbyl must go.

"Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not intimidation."
William Arthur Wood

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