Sunday, July 12, 2009

Home Stretch

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
July 7 Meeting

In addition to his written report Chief Gary mentioned there have been 3 police calls (2 in May, 1 in June) responding to attempted suicides. When asked by an alderman if they were young people, he responded no, they were middle age.

The Park Board hosted a volunteer hosta planting party in Birmingham Park this past Thursday in honor of Don Birmingham

Planning Commission
Burt Woods is finishing up proposed changes to City building code, look for a Planning Commission Meeting soon.

Entrance Committee
Chair Don Miller was unable to make an appearance due to conflict. Jerry mentioned the Committee is challenged by limited space for some of the monument spots. The Committee hopes to have design proposals soon.

Water Quality
Vic attended a MARC water quality meeting. 8 grants (out of 15 applicants) were awarded. Vic is going to monitor the next grant cycle to see if we would qualify.

August 16th @ Community Center
Alderman Finn is part of a group hosting a 50th Birthday Party for the City of Weatherby Lake. Details to follow.

October (To Be Announced)
Part of our recycling grant will be used to have a mobile shredder at City Hall. Good time to get rid of old documents with knowledge that your privacy is protected.

Public Comments
That would be me. Just fyi, in addition to blogging my comments I often make remarks at the BOA meetings as well. I gave the BOA a little historical background concerning audits in the City, the progress that has been made over the years and why I believe not having an audit is a bad idea.

The End
Meeting adjourned, the Boy Scouts, Kathy and me hanging in there to the end. One hour of City business crammed into two hours, not bad.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that the Court ruled against the WLIC Friday when they tried to sue the Grosses for attorney fees.

Anonymous said...

Why do they keep picking on those people?

Anonymous said...

"Why do they keep picking on those people"?! The question is when will the Grosses stop harassing the rest of us? You obviously have no idea of what they've put the community through.

Anonymous said...

Who is harassing who? I happen to agree with Paul Gross on the adjacent and non-adjacent lot issue. People who have an empty lot adjacent to their home get a free ride (they pay no assessments on their empty lot)while the non-adjacent lot owners pay an assessment on their lot. All of us pay more because the adjacent lot owners don't have to pay anything. What is the difference between a wooded lot next to your house and a wooded lot across the street from your house?