Monday, July 27, 2009

Sorry Tom

Parkville Luminary, Friday July 24, found at many Parkville outlets

"Weatherby Lake Considering Audit"

Tom Watson's stirring performance at the BO was shoved to the side of page 1 in favor of the report of the Weatherby Lake "Alderman, Audit Committee Split" in regards to the need for a 2008 city audit. The article contrasts Mayor Bos views of the unnecessary audit while Alderman Mary Hoy is cited in her email as calling for an audit. What will our hamlet decide? Find out on August 4th at the monthly BOA meeting.

BKD LLP? Merely a coincidence that they are based in Springfield, MO, where Mayor Bos migrated.


Anonymous said...

BKD is a well known CPA firm and have offices in several states including Kansas City. We used them on a complicated tax matter and found them very helpful. To associate the mayor and their Springfield office. So what.

mike moratz said...

As noted previously, the mayor stated at the last BOA he was having trouble finding any firm that was interested in performing an audit. Turns out, according to his emails, he was engaged with BKD prior to the BOA meeting. No other firms were presented by the mayor. Nobody asked at the Special Board meeting if anybody (Audit, Mayor, Aldermen) had a previous relationship with BKD. Coincidence that BKD is a Springfield based business? Maybe.

Anonymous said...


What is the big deal? Like Anon 5:48am, so what? You have commented so many times how this mayor at city council meetings has labored so much over the city's financial details. Almost actually complaining about how much detail he actually shares. Do you really think he or the board are trying to hide something? Now he is trying to suggest using a very well known CPA firm and you have a problem with that?

Anonymous said...

Unless there's something else going on you're not stating, I think Mike you're grasping at straws.