Sunday, July 26, 2009

Life Imitates Art or Is It the Opposite?

I never watched "The Sopranos" to any extent, just enough to know what it was about. I was based out of NJ for awhile, and yes there are spots (and people) just like the series. So it is not really surprising to read about the roundup this past week by the Feds of three mayors and others on an assortment of charges including bribery and money laundering (selling kidneys?). Makes "MammyGate" look a bit innocuous, right? Except for the fact that the Funk and Gloria's escapades have cost KC citizens big$. That's the price of leadership gone bad, the taxpayers end up footing the bill.


Also Weary . . . said...

Possibly, a small part of why Pat White chose not to run again was she was weary of the remarks made about her on this blog. Mary Hoy on the other hand went for it. You blog tongue-in-cheek refers to crooked mayors. It will be interesting to see what Mayor Bos choses to do next spring.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again blaming scrutiny on the press.

At the least Sarahs talking points
could be useful.

"It’s because I love Alaska ( WL) this much, that I feel it is my duty to avoid the unproductive, typical, politics as usual, lame duck session in one’s last year in office,
” So, how about, in honor of the American soldier, quit making things up,”

Anonymous said...

Did she mean honor the American Soldier by not making things up like Iraq attacked us on 9 11 ?

mike moratz said...

Regarding Pat White, I rather doubt the blog, or comments on the blog, caused her to make a decision. Better yet, just ask her. She has weighed in on the blog signing her name. Kudos to her.

Anonymous said...

At Bloggers Anonymous—we normally frown upon spreading propaganda that minimizes the serious nature of our cause. However, in the name of education and awareness, we would like to point to the this “Top 10” list of “symptoms” which indicate you may be a addicted to blogging. We will not reveal the authors as to not credit them in any way. Please be aware that this ignorance is out there—and defeating the spirit of our cause.

10. You check your blog stats a LOT. You occasionally get up in the middle of the night and sneak a peak.
9. Your significant other suspects you are having an affair with your blog. Even when you’re alone with your special person, you do find yourself thinking what your blog might be doing right then…
8. You “mental blog” while driving or on the train, and sometimes even when you are alone in the shower.
7. You filter everything through your post-writing. You can’t watch a movie, see a play, read an article, or share a sweet moment with your child without thinking of whether it’s blog-worthy.
6. You suffer from “blog envy” when another blogger posts something juicy before you do. You suffer “comment envy” when said post gets 40-something comments – the jerk!
5. You “binge blog” 3 or 4 posts at once—only to feel guilty and empty afterward.
4. You ditched all your real friends for blog friends, because, well, “they understand.” You bypass Bowling Alone at the bookstore (who really cares?) while you reach for Naked Conversations.
3. You think, “I can stop at any time.”
2. Your lunch hour has become your “blog hour.” You keep a few posts tucked in your desk in case you need them during the day.
1. After 5 minutes of meeting someone really interesting you ask, “So - do you blog?”

Anonymous said...

I admit it I am deeply obsessed

I want to take our country back from politicians who were not born in this country.

Thats why we need second amendment rights so we can do it by force should they fail to go quietly.