Thursday, October 15, 2009

I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
October 13 Meeting

Mayors Notes
The transition of MAST to becoming part of the KCMO Fire Department will occur by May 2010 according to Jerry. As you know MAST currently is the contractor that provides ambulance service to the South Platte Ambulance District...which provides service to WL. Apparently there is a question whether the new MAST will be providing service for non-emergency transport. The example Jerry gave was an elderly person who falls at home, breaks a hip and cannot be assisted by an elderly spouse. Jerry mentioned the possibility of calling a fire truck for transport...really. Incredible as it sounds this one bears watching. Hopefully the BOA and the Ambulance District will be on top of this. Better yet, call Betty, Kathy, Mike and Paul and ask them. (That would be Knight/Dusenberry/Henderson/Gross)

Missouri Municipal League
Mary gave a report on some of the sessions she (and Alderman Bossert, who was absent at the BOA) attended last week. Highlights of their junket included:
  • The accommodations were "awful".
  • The food was "terrible".
  • MODOT has a traffic calming program which subsidizes construction of road fixes, up to 80% of the cost of design. Data needs to be collected with qualifying municipalities being in the 85 percentile with speed over 7 to 10 miles of the speed limit (got that?).
  • Legal. Mary raised the question if the BOA was properly proposing motions vs resolutions. City Attorney felt current procedure was appropriate. Based on discussions at the meeting Mary felt the City Purchasing Policy should be revisited.
  • Annexation Law & Procedures. Mary believes the City should look into annexation of the "bean field" and possibly some of the properties bordering on Barry Rd, especially the property that may help with monument placement on Westside Drive. The City Attorney commented historically KCMO has not been interested in "de-annexing", all the property mentioned is currently in KCMO.
  • Nuisance Ordinances and Enforcement. Example of our nuisance ordinance that can be strengthened by adding/specifying lumens and watts, so it can be measured. (You might recall the BOA passed an ordinance because of a bright light/neighbor issue on the West side.)
Congrats to the 30,000th viewer today. No prize, just the reward of getting the inside scoop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The eveready energized community activist

Just seems like when it all plays out the damage done keeps going and going and going