Friday, December 31, 2010


Adios 2010 and hello 2011!
A few wishes for WL for the New Year:
  • Aggressive actions by both the City and WLIC in protecting and preserving the Lake.  Nothing else much matters if we don't get tough on those individuals and entities who don't respect our lake.  The new amenities at C-Point, entrance monuments, alcohol in the Parks won't make a difference if the water is fouled.  How did we do in this regard in 2010?  I'd give us a letter grade of D, not nearly good enough.
  • Fiscal responsibility.  Are you watching the budgets for the City and WLIC?  How is the revenue to debt ratio?  Is future planning aligned with our financial means?  This year could be critical.
  • Leadership.  Always opportunities for others to step up and play a role, both at the City and WLIC.


Anonymous said...

We once had an aggressive approach to preserving the lake.

Was it too aggressive ? I don’t think they were or that we can ever be .

Then came some of our neighbors who spent 100 % of community effort purposefully and continually undermining a number of elected boards.

Litigation was a red herring and some our committed neighbors effectively spread half truths about it .

Everyone was told how much we spent on litigation but no one was told how much we recovered.

No one was told what we did not recover because we had unelected members of this community conspiring with those who harmed our lake .

No one was told what the future cost to undo just some of the damage done to our lake by unconcerned developers in our watershed.

”Litigation Lake” against those harming the lake turned in to
“Litigation Lake “against ourselves.

Hope is not a good option and will not prevent litigation lake from turning in to mud lake or sewage lake

Anonymous said...

Amen. you said it like it is. it seems these days we are letting kc roll over us both on the city side and wlic side. our community and lake will both suffer.