Monday, November 21, 2011

City Growth

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
November 14

Observations by Jerry/Mary
During the budget discussion in regards to revenue for building permits, Jerry mentioned builder John Gray has filed a building permit on behalf of Ms James on Hillside and signaled his intentions to build two more homes in WestRidge...a mini-boom in a manner of speaking.  Jerry surmised that the construction of the Cerner corporate office at the racetrack might add to interest in building homes in WL...that might be a big stretch.

Mary Hoy observed the revenue streams from various taxes are calculated on population (referring back to the last census and the minute loss of WL population.  A call to arms (well, maybe different body parts) to all fertile adults in WL to share the love, literally, so our population gets back on track.  A patriotic duty if you will.  Bubba has mentioned his availability...the blog take no responsibility for his actions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silly people The way to improve revenue is to cut taxes.

Pick up a copy of IBD if you have any doubts after the last 10 years.