Saturday, November 12, 2011

Verdict: Guilty

Jennifer Payne, the Maligned Trespasser, had her day in court (actually evening) Thursday, as the case was finally heard in WL Municipal Court.  Ms Payne was not present, she was represented by her attorney.  The appointed judge from Platte County delivered the verdict, Bev Roper had been asked to step aside from the case.

A deal was worked out with the prosecutor, Ms Payne was found guilty of 2nd Degree Trespassing, fined $75 and court costs ($24.95).  So, a Benjamin and the Payne goes away.

No TV/Press coverage Thursday night, guess the sizzle of the case was extinguished.

Life is good @ WL.
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Anonymous said...

so the city lost $ on the whole deal, the fine and costs could not have covered the cost of the outside judge let alone attorney time.

You can't fix stupid said...

Considering the proposed penalties . . . common sense justice was served. So are the nay-sayers going to now vilify the presiding judge?

Anonymous said...

Judges are suppose to be fair and impartial. Campaigning to nail anyone to the cross if they trepass, living at the lake and serving on a WLIC committee somehow doesn't come across as fair and impartial.

Anonymous said...

Seems like it might be more cost effective for the city to give first time offenders a warning.

And the sign said anybody caught trespassin' would be shot on sight.
So I jumped on the fence and-a yelled at the house, "Hey! What gives you the right?"
"To put up a fence to keep me out or to keep mother nature in"
"If God was here he'd tell you to your face, Man, you're some kinda sinner"

Anonymous said...

You're weird 8:13.

Anonymous said...

Song is 'Signs' 1971, Five Man Electrical Band. Doesn't apply here however. No warnings. Citations are appropriate. Any idea who had to pay for the visiting judge, who it was and was he/she here for the whole docket?

Anonymous said...

Have said this before –
I was in Price Chopper, went to check out and the clerk pointed out the “12 items or less” sign. Walked right past it; flat out didn’t see it; and it was a big bold sign.
I know and you all know what the no trespassing signs mean. But did it ever occur to you that a non-resident may not equate sitting at a picnic table as trespassing. Could be construed more so to boating, fishing, and swimming. It also could be confusing as we have public parks with picnic tables and private areas with picnic tables. Some might not perceive the difference.
I know without doubt that everyone of you have made mistakes with something that was blatantly staring you in the face. And afterwards felt like a total idiot.
So you can say they’re idiots, and they may be, but benefit of the doubt wouldn’t hurt.
But I get it. As our area grows, there will be more and more venturing our way. I suggest more definitive signs. Also, wouldn’t hurt to post the fine amount. (Money out of the pocket is always a deterrent.) The signs at C-Point are a hodge podge.

There's got to be alternatives to the problem instead of "get the hell out".

Anonymous said...

1:41 I get ya. But, she clearly knew what she was doing. She wasn't as innocent nor cooperating as she suggested to the media. As I'VE said before, to suggest you're "just passing through on business", "happened" to find your way to C-point, (one of the streets I often blow past when I'm TRYING to find it), and then to conveniently not have ANY identification on you other than a credit card when the officers ask for ID? Nope. I'm not buying that it was an honest mistake, and she felt "like a total idiot".

Anonymous said...

I have been wondering how this arrest occured. Did a WL police officer driving by just decide, "Hey I'll go over and check out this lady sitting at the table and make sure she is authorized to be here!"? Did something about her make him suspicious? Did someone know and report her? I don't get it!

Jackdaw Observer said...

I don’t think Ms. Payne is innocent. I do think Ms. Payne saw the signs but didn’t link sitting at a picnic table to a severe trespassing crime. Who would?

For those who wanted her beheaded and thrown to the wolves – this cost her hundreds of dollars in attorney fees. That should give you some satisfaction.

The question is, do you care about deterring the criminals or just making a lot of money off them.

Consider VERY large signs at the front or entrance of all WLIC properties stating:


Specific signage on what the immoral, felonious criminals cannot do i.e., swimming, boating, fishing, picnic tabling, etc.



We could continue to look like” vigilantes pouncing on unsuspecting souls”.

Anonymous said...

And while we're at it let's put in some high voltage fences with razor wire at the top! Might as well have guard towers every 400 or 500 feet too don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I would imagine the impetus for probable cause was out of state plates, no WL sticker.

Jackdaw Observer said...

Truly think more definitive signs would go a long way in educating/deterring potential trespassers.

Anonymous said...

I think the idea of posting the fine is a great idea too! Money talks.

Anonymous said...

post it with "Up to $500". you takes your chances you pays your money.

Anonymous said...

I was there at the time and the fine was $175 + the court costs for a total amount of nearly $200.