Thursday, January 26, 2012


The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL Infrastructure Subcommittee of the Entrance Advisory Group Committee
Jan 20

The Infrastructure Committee met last Friday morning @ 8AM with 6 of 9 Sub members present (Surma, Grasis, DeJong, Miller, Bos, Stockwell) and 4 folks in the audience (Stockwell, Finn, Lawrence, me).  Meeting lasted 1hr and 40 minutes.

Long discussion about submitted bids, Vic guided the discussion by reviewing a matrix "Entrance Monument Bid Cost Results"  Kudos to Vic for making sense out of a very complicated RFP and responses to that RFP.

Bottom line, the 8 monuments are projected to cost $267,649.  This is probably low as they have received bids only for the first 4, two at City Hall, one at Hillside, one at Forest.  The others will have to be bid in the next phase...but more on that.  The bids for the aforementioned came to $130,557, so the projected cost for the entire project is based off of those costs.

After all is said and done, almost $40,000 will have been spent on plans/planning.

More tomorrow.  Time lines and a Curve Ball.

And yes the Mayor does read the blog.      .


Anonymous said...

I would have loved to attend, but couldn't get out of work. Sad but true.

One of my major issues is this: Glad you've come up with some sort of number. But, where is the money coming from? Has there been any information on how this money will manifest itself? We keep hearing donations. Donations how? Glad we have a couple of decent promised donations from less than 20 people on the lake. But that's a drop in the bucket.

I'd like to see how they derived their donation estimates. Basic math suggests that every household would need to give about $350 to the cause to hit the quarter million mark! Likelihood? Not very! Look how many people took the 4-year payment plan for the WLIC's assessment.

I am horrified to think that the city is willing to approve such a large expense without a clearly mapped out AND PUBLICIZED fundraising plan. Sorry fellas, the "Whisper Campaign" just didn't cut it in my book and using my $40K for it really burns me up!

Anonymous said...

The reason they have pissed away $40gs is because they had outrageous ideas with only folks interested in seeing the project to be done. No balance, no one to give a reality check. How many times have they rebid? Who is leading this mess? Looks like Bos and DeJong to me. Sorry, not a penny from me. It is a joke.

Anonymous said...

It isn't like people have been busting down the door to contribute, maybe there is a secret society that is holding the money and this huge deluge of money will hit the city.

Anonymous said...

Why two at city hall? And, the others are located at the most minor entrances to the city. Makes no sense and seems like they just want to build anything to make the project seem viable.