Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Give and Take

KC Star today announces a new policy @ KCI for those waiting to pick up passengers.  The long term parking lot A has been designated as a so called "Cell Lot", two hours max, no charge.  You still might take the Aviation Department's advice, use the Marriott parking lot...closer and if nature calls during a prolonged wait you can trot right in and use the potty.

If you park in the garages across from the terminals you will have noticed an increase in parking is the scoop from the Department:

"Thank you for your e-mail sent from our website at We appreciate your use of our website, and your interest in the Kansas City International Airport.
The maximum daily rate for garage parking went from 20.00/day to 22.00/day.  This is the only rate increase.
The maximum daily rate for Circle parking remains the same at 13.00/day, and Economy parking remains a flat 6.00/day.  
The Kansas City Aviation Department"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is just the start of fees, taxes, add-ons to pay for the new airport, and it won't be just KCMO residents who will pay.