Saturday, April 5, 2014

West Siders Only

Sorry, this is for West Side residents, East Siders you are free to roam WL.

I received a campaign letter from Steve Clark yesterday, you may have too...if not probably today.
He is the incumbent West Side alderman.  Jim Soendker is the other person running, I don't know him or anything about him other than what was posted in the Star earlier this week.

About Steve.  Full disclosure, I served with Steve on the BOA when he was an East Side resident.  I never knew him before I joined the BOA.  He earned my respect as he never shied away from controversy or hard questions, and we faced more than a few.  I didn't always agree with him but I always knew where he stood on an issue, no mealy mouthing, no politically correct blather.  Thoughtful, always open to listening, and heaven forbid, even changed his mind a couple of times when presented with facts.  It was a loss when he moved from the East Side to the West and thus his seat on the BOA.  It was a great choice to appoint him to the BOA to fill Vic's spot.

You might have noticed his vote on the water rate issue..."No".  I think his vote was stimulated by the fact the BOA was asked to increase the water rate (by Bos) without seeing the rates from KCMO, which finally came last month.  Sure enough, the rates revealed by KCMO to make our rates do seem to be excessive.  BTW, these rates earned a two millisecond mention during this months BOA, without specifics provided to the gathered public in the audience, I guess Jerry, Pat, and Tanya (Brian absent) were ok with it.

Steve was appointed by Bos this last meeting to head up a committee to investigate Google Fiber for WL.  While I don't think a committee is necessary, if the mayor opts out like Bos did, at least somebody stepped up...that is Steve.

In any regard, my fellow West Siders, I am voting for Steve for West Ward alderman.  He has a proven track record and will represent us well.  Oh yeah, bonus points, he is a good guy too.

Okay, I know a few of you sneaky East Siders have been spying on this exclusive West Side communication.  You may do well to start to look for a Steve Clark kind of person (male/female) on your side of the lake whenever the call arises.  Because it will.

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