Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Has Sprung

If you logged into to the blog are one of the most loyal blogites.  In any event...I am back, 11 months since the last post.  As I picked up my papers this morning I was greeted by the the snowflakes of Spring, what the heck?

So much to say, and so little time to say it...before the April election.  Let's get this out of the way right up front.  I am supporting:

York for Mayor

Clark for West Ward

Finn for East Ward (Yes I know I live on the West, but for a number of reasons, which I will detail why, you on the East should vote for her.)

I will start with a look at the candidates for the Alderman races this week.  Did you attend the Candidates Forum a few Sundays ago?  Not a huge crowd, safe to say a small minority of eligible voters attended.  I did attend and will give you a recap of what I saw and heard and my comments.

I know many readers may have fallen off the wagon of the blog...and there are newbies out there who have not been exposed.  Do me a favor?  Forward the URL to friends and neighbors

As always I welcome your comments, I do not "edit" comments.  It would be great if you would use your name, but alas, very few do (I think I have had 5 comments with names).


Anonymous said...

Please support the Finn, Clark and York ticket for city hall like Mike does.

"Botbile" dropped the ball on resolving FEMA exceptions and WLIC had to step in and fix this looming nightmare. This guy is rude and belligerent; and feuds with his alderman when they have different ideas instead of listening and team building.

WL doesn't need the NJ-style divide-and-conquer mayor. And the worst is Brian Stevenson. OMG - - what a jerk! Please-please-please punt him out next year.

Little Boy Blue said...

Now let's see. York left the city in a financial mess when Bos and the voters pushed him out. Finn and Clark break their oath of office whenever it suits them. Let's not even mention how they broke the laws of Missouri and the City ordinances.

Not really the quality of city representative that I want acting on my behalf!!

Anonymous said...

Little Boy Blue - you need to get your facts straight. York left the City on a sound financial basis. Bos left the tax amounts the same as we the voters approved during York's term. Bos tried to go after York, but quickly learned there was no smoking gun. And of course Bos had many issues with his illegal trading of cheese while at DFA.
Lets investigate Stevensen. I'm sure he has used the City to grease the approval of his property issues. He sure hasn't done anything else while he has been in office. He is only concerning about himself, not the citizens he is supposed to represent.

Little Boy Blue said...

I love this stuff. Ask York why he had a "management" audit instead of a full audit. Bos, ever the gentleman, declined to publish the 18 plus pages of Audit findings from York's reign. Stevenson followed all of the requirements of the City ordinances and was approved 10 - 0, including Clark. Not sure how that equates to "greasing any wheels". Wanna bring any more of your "facts"??

Anonymous said...

Little Boy Blue - York has audits done for every year he is in office and all you can do is complain that one year all he had done is a management audit. This is MUCH better than your buddy BOS, he only had one audit done during his 6 years. SO much for transparency. I went to the meetings and complained and all BOS did was brush me off because he was JERRY BOS and you just need to trust him. Trusting Bos is for fools, especially with his cheese trading fraud.

Little Boy Blue said...

You are so right, Anonymous 8:32. Trusting is for fools. That's why I don't trust someone who authorized his own expenses, signed his own expense checks and in his final year submitted over $1,300 in "personal expenses". City Hall has the details if you care to check. Sorry, but Mr. York does not have my trust, or vote.

Anonymous said...

Like Botbyl raising his own salary?

sherry said...

Soooo LBB you are a registered voter, we'll assume?

Anonymous said...

Bill Stevenson, who is an Alderman of Weatherby Lake, has torn this community apart by using his political leverage to achieve financial gain. He has threatened, manipulated, lied and cheated his neighbors (the community he represents) to get a Re-Plat for his fishing lots to building lots. He has lied throughout the process and claimed he was going to keep the property and build a home where he would spend his senior years. Now the property is for sale for $425,000.00. That is way more than its original value because it is deemed a building lot. He wants to discredit Tonya Finn and Steve Clark for standing up for the people of the community who were DIRECTLY affected by the RE-PLAT of Mr. Stevenson’s property. BS has even gone so far as to promote his own candidates so he can have more control over the decisions made in Weatherby Lake for his future gain.