Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The East side bridge (see previous post) is still out, so my trek today to the East side once again included the detour route. Not a big deal really, except for the fact I have to go 15MPH (what is the deal with 15MPH...BRB?). It winds through bucolic neighborhoods I usually don't see, except for Sunday, when Bubba and me run our 10K.

You can't miss one residence along the route...9308 NW 80th Terrace. There have been signs, two as I recall, in the yard in previous weeks, one specifically with a message regarding 9/11. Now there has been an explosion of signs and banners...yipes! Free speech? I guess so. Glad it is on the East side.


Anonymous said...

Wow, curiosity got the best of me, had to look up the address, guess Ed got bored badgering WLIC and turned to bigger targets.

Anonymous said...

I have to drive by this house twice a day. I find it embarassing that we would have such an un American display in our neighborhood. Kendrick's should be ashamed of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Maybe now more people will realize what kind of person was behind all of the lawsuits he and Paul filed against the rest of us. A loon and someone out for his own personal agendas costing the rest of us a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

I think according to Ed, the government was also behind Elvis' death, knows how the Bermuda triangle works, and what those secret herbs and spices really are for KFC! Lead on ED!