Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Vast Wasteland

Finally! A use for the Community Center we can all agree...a dumping site for yard waste! I did tour both dumping sites (City Hall & CC) a couple of times and was amazed by the amount of very old tree limbs and brush folks dug up (very brown and seasoned), where did it come from? I am assuming here at Weatherby Lake, although I suspect some came from outside the City as well. Both dumping sites were "on your honor" with no security. A bit troubling, especially at City Hall. One of my visits to City Hall had multiple doors open on the Public Works garage open with no City employee in sight, another the door for the Kubota was open, an apparently unattended.

Sunday evening I chatted with Mr and Mrs Mayor at the CC dumping site. I mentioned to him my observation of a large truck (no City sticker, no markings but obviously a commercial truck) heading towards City Hall...and my assumption to dump a large load of very old brush and limbs. Jerry felt most of the depositors were residents.

Hopefully we will get an accounting of the cost of the weekend by next BOA, should be interesting.

What about you, did you use the dumping sites this weekend? How do you feel about the use of taxpayer funded monies to support private cleanup?


Anonymous said...

Think it's a great service to the community. Similar to the city of KC service...i.e., pushing your leaves to the curb in Fall. I don't see a prob with it.

Trucks/cars without stickers? Yup. i just asked them if they were a resident.... name and what their address was. They were just using friends vehicles.

Anonymous said...

We have been hearing for months - years our city funds are at an all time low. So, why are we paying for community yard waste dumpsters? I thought we were suppose to have voted in a new hard line cost cutting mayor. That's the problem with any government - when it's not one's personal money and someone else's they are somehow able to justify it. I don't have anything for the dumpsters because I pay for weekly yard waste pickup. I'm sure there is some argument out there saying it cleans up the community and all of that. So, what. It's the simple budgetary law of buying the milk and bread first before the beer and pretzels.

Anonymous said...

I think it is FANTASTIC! This city is cleaner now than it has been in years. We have yard waste pick-up we pay for but still used this opportunity because it was a chance to take stuff there that our yard waste will not pick up without major hassles. We even picked up large logs and tree limbs in common areas and took them up there. I also saw several people trimming their trees/raising the canopies to make it look cleaner.

I personally do not think Weatherby Lake has looked any better than it does now. thank you Mayor Bos! It is terrific!!!

Anonymous said...

You're right. The city probably does look better. But why are you thanking Mayor Bos? He's not responsible for the creation of this program. In the mean time, we have streets in poor condition, cut back city hours and at one point our police force was cut back! It's a matter of priority with a certain amount of funds to dispense. Since we have a yard waste program, why not use that and put the funds to better use. Why not have a city clean up and use the weekly yard waste as the avenue for getting rid of it with no cost to the taxpayer. If we were a rich community this wouldn't be an issue.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe my money should subsidize everyone here at WL. I did not use the dumpsters because it is not fair for the taxpayers to pay for everyone else's branches. Let's purchase the latest technology for our police department. Let's pave a road. What a wast of money.
Mike, please let us know how much money this wasted!!! When is the meeting?
This Board of Aldermen we voted in - all they care about is LOOKING LIKE RISS LAKE. They need to move to Riss Lake.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...spending good money to haul away limbs. A nice bonfire would work just as well and is free. Oh wait..I forgot..we live in the nanny state. We can't burn our brush anymore. It might put some extra carbon in the atmosphere or something and make the morel mushrooms grow. I guess all those diesel truck engines running to haul away the brush don't count. Is this even American anymore?

Anonymous said...

I didn't think our city was rolling in money. City budget is a different animal. Our new mayor lives in a very nice house and it would follow he is financially doing well. Does our new mayor have the mind-set like some of us who are use to budgeting and making ends meet? And even previous to our new mayor election, how is it at one point we were closing the community center down and then the following year thousands of dollars were spent to upgrade it. I think I read we had to buy Parkville's old police cars? I must of miss something somewhere. Has there been some significant influx of money?

Anonymous said...

I think the clean up was great. Most city's have a program like this 1 or 2 times a year. KC does, Gladstone does, I believe Platte City does. I don't feel it has anything to do with trying to look like "Riss Lake". My family does live paycheck to paycheck. Things are tight right now, we do pay for yard waste pick up, but it was nice to be able to dump off a couple of limbs that just weren't getting picked up by Allied.
As far as the hours the new mayor Mr. Bos has extended the hours now, I think he is doing a great job. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK JERRY!!!!!