Thursday, July 17, 2008

Getting Our Poop Together

Sorry, couldn't help myself. NY Times article today about Seattle's failed public toilet fiasco. Got me to thinking, because we (City/WLIC/Park Board) are flush with cash, why not upgrade the "Johnny on the Spots" to automated public toilets? The Seattle toilets are on EBay for $89,000 a piece (personally I think we can get them for much less). The units clean and disinfect themselves, so no maintenance involved. Perfect for C Point, Soccer field, maybe even the Boat Lot. Of note, the reason Seattle is abandoning the project is because of problems with drug abusers and prostitutes misusing the problem here. Also, Seattle law barred the use of advertising on said poopers...we have no such law here at WL, I would guess Weatherby Lake Living would jump at the opportunity to increase ad revenue based on "spots" on the pots. Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

Maybe WLIC or the Park board but how is our city flush with cash? I understand it is the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Funny! Great idea if the advertising pays for them but someone is still going to have to clean them. Wouldn't want that job.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how the Weatheryby Lake Improvement "Company" thinks they have standing in court to assess a tax against the citizens of Weatherby Lake. This is a COMPANY. Not a CITY.

A City would do it with a lawful vote. Are they just going to keep filing lawsuits against us every time they want money for something? No matter what the reason. The lake has been fine for years with that field there. It used to be a beautiful corn field producing food. Now it is an ugly field of weeds.

Anonymous said...

I too agree. That field has been there for years. We are sapposed to be members of the WLIC. Why are purchases of such large amounts not required to be voted on prior to being purchased. Why are they purchased first, then we are told we must pay, and if we don't it goes to court at which point we pay rediculious attorney fees? Most of us do not want to see any harm come to this beautiful lake we live at, but $750 + per household for a field we (the resident) has no claim too if we move is insane!!