Monday, August 4, 2008

6000 and Counting

I started the blog in March, I had been wanting to get into blogging for about a year...I just couldn't think of a topic or perspective that would be fun and interesting. The spring elections were upon us, I thought comments and perspectives about the various races would be a good way to start. Here I am 6,000 hits later. (No I do not check the blog 200x a day). Actually the count is higher, I didn't install the counter for a couple of weeks.

I enjoy comments, and so far, have not altered or prevented a comment from being published. I think it is good to see what some of your neighbors think...unvarnished. I tend not to respond to comments, not really interested in getting in a back and forth, although I have made some exceptions. I do use satire and humor on occasion, sometimes this is not detected by the readers. That's ok.

Lots of things to blog about coming down the pike, I expect to hit 10,000 by years end. Crazy.


Anonymous said...

I, for one, am appreciative of your blogs. No where at Weatherby Lake can one ask questions or raise concerns like on your website. Or receive the information you are providing. I’m sure our covert-runned newsletter, would not accept questions or criticisms. Where else can people be given a chance to voice their opinions? And before someone says one should come to a city council meeting . . . while that is an avenue, it is also a hit or miss of something is taken seriously. More people should be made aware of your blog.

dan soule said...

totally agree with anonymous