Thursday, August 14, 2008

Duck and Cover

A maneuver used defensively by adopted by local politicians and bureaucrats in explaining/defending the closing of the BRB. Add the school district to the list, with their email yesterday describing "safety reasons" for closing the BRB. Telephone conversations with Mayor Bos and Alderman Hoy haven't yielded any specifics. Makes you the bridge structurally unsafe? Could it be repaired to continue service until the Barry road construction approaches? Just two weeks ago at the BOA it was reported that between acquiring right of way and ATT relocating lines, there would be a delay of up to one year...what happened to that? Who made the decision to close the bridge and when? You recall during the past election two of the candidates (Bos/Dejong) pointed out their negotiating skills with KCMO in regards to the road work on their church property. They were going to use their contacts to keep on top of the Barry Road could we be blindsided?

Where is the outrage? I don't get a sense of that with Jerry and Mary. Mary mentions the "inconvenience" of the bridge closing...huh? Remember this is part of the same crew who was outraged over the closing of the Community Center...maybe we should have a spaghetti dinner?

Who is going to step up for you?


Anonymous said...

Are emergency vehicles (and us) ready for them having to detour around for 2 1/2 years? Is Wild Wood West ready for the onslaught of cars through their neighborhood? Are their kids ready to stay off the roads? Is someone official leading the charge to voice our outrage over this? Is this in response to people mowing down cones? Are the realtors ready for this? What would we do if the Improvement Company had to close the Dam road? Is Paul ready to sue someone besides us? How many cars a day use the bridge and have to use the detour (official and non though WWW)? How much more gas will that add up to driving west to K then east? Questions KCMO couldn't care less about answering I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

I want Mayor York back! He had conections in KCMO. Who do you think called his connections and got the bridge worked on when it had holes? I am sure he would be seeing what could be done.
When will the citizens of this city WAKE UP. Did anyone see the current Mayor on the news this afternoon? What a joke. Hope channel 4 replays that tonight for all to see.

Anonymous said...

"Life is good at Weatherby Lake."

When are we going to deal with reality?

Anonymous said...

What did our current mayor say on the news?

Anonymous said...

You can google fox 4 and watch it. Basically, it was "it's their road, for their people, and our people, and I think roads are for the people. we need to discuss this."

I'd like to see some outrage.

Anonymous said...

Just because Bos/DeJong had a contact they used with KCMO before doesn't mean the contact is still there. It doesn't mean you critize what you don't know. If York has such great connections why isn't he using them??? Just because he isn't mayor doesn't mean he isn't still a citizen that is affected by the closure. Let's see him step up and fix it if he is so good. Or is he only able to use contacts when he is in office. A contact is a contact regardless of your position in life!!

Anonymous said...

To anonymous #2 I agree with #6 if York had such great "CONNECTIONS" why has he not used them now? Why as you say he "would be seeing what could be done now". Well he does live on this side of the lake doesn't he?? So what is he doing to help us??? Nothing is my guess, because if he was so great we would have heard about it before now!