Monday, August 11, 2008

Talkin Trash

The Official Unofficial Board of Aldermen Meeting Notes

The Board approved a new contract with Allied Waste Services for the next three years. Allied will provide both trash and yard waste pickup on continuing on the Friday schedule. Some of the particulars:
  • Trash, 8 bags per household and one bulky item per week

  • Yard Waste, 12 bags/containers per week, tree trimmings and brush in bundles 4ft or less. Pickup will begin in March and continue through December.

FYI, about 622 residences use the trash service (we have 700+ homes) and 220 use yard waste services.

Allied provides "free" to the City, containers (dumpsters) at City Hall, Community Center and C Point.

Basic Service Fees through July 31,2009

Trash = $26.58 quarterly

Yard Waste = 24.36 quarterly

Cart Rental (about 75 residents use this) = $10.50 quarterly

There were a number of positive comments about the Allied crew at the BOA meeting. I'd have to agree...they keep on schedule, don't leave a mess. Give them a wave, tell them thanks, my bet they don't get a lot of either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be late on response for this. Out of town. Where are the 80+ residents disposing of trash if they are not using the company that comes in the city?? That's a lot of trash