Sunday, March 8, 2009

Got Mud?

I know we got pounded with moisture last night, the waterline across the cove looks to have risen at least 10", indicating a healthy dump of water.

Not so healthy is the color of the water in our cove, chocolate. Haven't had time to survey the lake but I imagine similar results around the horn. Stream Team on the job? Hope so. Some of the silt fences along Barry Road had been beaten down before this latest downpour (where there are silt fences, just as many spots where there are none).

Rain gauge reads anyone?


Anonymous said...

I'm not saying that all of that dirt on Barry Road is in our lake now, but I saw a white striped line down the middle of O Cove this morning.

It looks Gross.

Anonymous said...

Stream team meeting yesterday was very productive. Most important was what looked like the addition of about four new people to the team. We're going to have our work cut out for us this season.

Anonymous said...

Anybody see lake Wal-mart this morning. The entire west side of the parking lot is about 6+ inches deep in water. A couple of cars are stranded. I bet Sam W. never thought the development of that area would result in his customers having to shop elsewhere cause there's no place to park!