Monday, March 9, 2009

Odds N Ends

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
3-3 Meeting

A City Wide Cleanup will be held on May 2nd. This is literally cleaning up the City public areas and right of way. Later in the spring (TBA) a yard cleanup event will be scheduled with dumpters for yard waste at the usual places.

The BOA passed a resolution authorizing itself to blow up $15,000 in no less than 30 minutes...I mean the 4th of July fireworks display. A tad bit more than last year, Alderman Finn advanced the idea of having music coordinated with the Booms and Aahhs. Not the FM variety, but music broadcast with projected sound.

Vic once again whined about a member of the Park Board not appearing before the BOA to explain their budget. He is concerned about the 09 budget while saying he "doesn't believe there is anything wrong. Vic's attention span must be short, after a Special Board meeting two months ago he was approached by the VP of the PB regarding his questions. He said he would call her the next day. He didn't. Jerry said he would call PB President Marvin, two months ago, up to a week ago, he hadn't. Guess Vic has had his phone service cut off, I know Marvin and Lisa have not. Pompous? You bet.


Anonymous said...

Seems to me if the Park Board President and Vice President know that the city needs them, that if they haven't been called it shouldn't be to hard for one of them to call the city.

Anonymous said...

Since Vic is the one making the big deal, why is it the Park Board needs to make contact? All Vic wants to do is pontificate about something he knows nothing about. Come on Vic, show leadership and call, or better yet, go to a Park Board meeting and discuss what your concerns. The Park Board DOES NOT answer to the Board of Aldermen or Mayor.

Anonymous said...

The park board doesn't answer to the City Council? Is that true? I didn't realize that. I thought they were a committee designated by the Mayor? If they don't report to City Council, who do they report to? The county? Just curious.