Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring has Sprung

Back from special assignment in UT, had a chance to take the "back way" out of the City enroute to dinner last night. Forsythia and daffodils in bloom, gentle warm breeze, nice. But wait, what else has popped up during my absence? Something green with A Hoy, A Hoy printed on them? Yep, Mary has launched her campaign officially for her second term on the BOA. Interesting in that she has never mentioned this in her info blurbs to the email list (it is possible I might have been omitted if she did).

So class is now in session for Signtology 101 & 201. Welcome to newbies enrolled in 101 and veterans of the political wars to 201. This could be a rather boring session, but one never knows. I have yet to patrol the East side for signs, but they are sure to come.

1 comment:

sherry said...

Oh Mike, who could we write in on the West side? How about Pat? Maybe Verlin? Bob Ekerle is also high on my list.