Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Favorite Sons

The WLIC Credentials Committee held a meeting yesterday afternoon @ 4PM. (Anybody else get irritated that meetings are being held during "working hours"? They are taking a cue from the City).

Apparently Paul Gross had/has a number of grievances relating to the election of directors at the past WLIC Annual Meeting, including the fact that Tanya Finn is married to Dick Finn (Gee, I thought they were brother and sister all these years). Both are on the credentials committee. Verlin Boes appeared on behalf of Mr Gross. During his testimony he freely offered he had a couple of drinks prior to the Annual Meeting where he ran for director...if you were there you might recall his erratic and rambling election speech. You might also recall he finished dead ass last as well. I guess his point was he felt intimidated by the process and board members, enough so to drive him to drink...Here's a toast to you Mr Candidate for Weatherby Lake WLIC Director man (you'd have to be a Bud Light commercial aficionado to get it).

The committee heard the supplications of both gentlemen and denied all of the grievances brought forth. I understand the meeting ended under the threat of lawsuit from Mr Gross. Free country right? It has been quiet here lately at Litigation Lake. Too quiet for some I guess.


Anonymous said...

Makes me think of the Bud commercial that best fits our situation

"In the Can" Bud Light Lime Ad

Seems like some of our members really enjoy giving it to us in the can


Anonymous said...

Gross threatens to sue all of us again.

The WLIC Board is made up of good people (our neighbors) who give up a lot of free time with thier family (so the rest of us don't have to) and they're thanked by the ongoing destructive behavior of Paul Gross.

We don't have the time or money for that kind of ongoing "sue my neighbors, call the police on my neighbors, sue some more, act like a pompous a*& because I am".

If you have a relationship with the man or his wife - tell them enough is enough. Or send them the message annonomously on a little white post card.

Anonymous said...

Gee, there were four openings on the board and four people were willing to run. There must have been something fishy go on in that those are the four elected!

None of the rest of us were willing to put in that kind of volunteer time so what's Gross's beef with that? Other than he seems to hate anything people do to help out. Let's hope he moves soon.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Neighbors for Change

You are a bunch of knuckleheads who where foolish enough to contribute money to pay for attorneys fees to sue ourselves

Good move

Anonymous said...

Only four victims were available .

Why ?

Praying Mantises

The PMs know they are unelectable and wont try

Anonymous said...


What is PMs?

Anonymous said...

Praying Mantises
And FYI the closest relatives of mantises are the Blattodea

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

our boy vermin doesnt spend much time at his house any more? whats up with that. the last four monthes he has been missing and his garage cars and dog walks are missing also
whats up?

Anonymous said...

Whats the problem with a little drink now and then?

Even Santa takes a little nip when the kids are peeing on his leg

Anonymous said...

The Founding Father of Neighbors for Change was the one who coined the term Litigation Lake.

His enablers could not have known it would be a self fulfililing prophecy

Regardless if you wrote the martyred one checks ,gave away your proxy or signed petitions without really knowing then maybe you should get more involved in your community.

If not please dont continue to enable those who could now be known as Neighbors Who Want to Change Anything and Everything Without Being Elected