Thursday, July 29, 2010

Entrance Advisory Group Committee Update

From Chair Jim Miller:
The activity is mainly in 2 areas: infrastructure and fundraising
After our meeting with the only bidder, MTS Contracting, we were not able to get a complete response to the RFP; so we decided to break out parts of the Eastside Dr.-City Hall drawing and get informed opinions regarding the cost of significant features.  Kristopher Dabner{ the Greensman}, Scott Slaggie and Steve Cantrell are now contacting businesses to get a better understanding of the cost drivers of this project.  Although this has all taken longer than expected, we have a budget and the need to get the best result for our $'s.  We expect to modify our drawings and rebid.
We have received several ideas on shortcuts to getting results, however we do have some constraints that make this project different than building a structure(wall, gazebo, etc.) on private property.  Although our entrance project is projected to be about 90% funded by private donations, it is a City of Weatherby Lake project being constructed on City property.  City projects require an open, publicized bidding process and the inclusion of payment of prevailing wages.  We are optomistic that we can develop a terrific project within these constraints.
Regarding the fundraising activities, we have not contacted our supporters to collect 2010 pledge dollars yet(but City Hall will accept a check anytime!).  We are waiting to make substantial progress on plans for the Eastside entrance and will communicate that info. along with the request for the $'s.  Our fundraising committee continues to make individual contacts, and has scheduled a major fundraising gala for Saturday, June 18, 2011.
If you have any questions, please contact me.  
Thanks    Jim
Red highlights added


Anonymous said...

If this much effort is put forth for such an insignificant endeavor, think how these folks could rally the citizens to advocate against KCMO and for our lake and watershed. Joe, are you listening?

Anonymous said...

I like our current entrances/monuments! Could we form a committee to "KEEP OUR ENTRANCES"???? We could tear them down and rebuild them in the new spots on Barry Road.

Instead of spending this big money for new entrances, my street needs to be paved!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

8:34: I think you would be surprised how many people would support you. Go for it. Of course the "KEEP OUR ENTRANCES" group will be ostracized by the present powers to be. Reality check to the entrance committee: Isn't it obvious yet your entrance endeavor is simply over the top and support is minimal? But the small minority rich at WL may come thru and fund it. Have no problem with that.

Anonymous said...

Why do we need entrances at all? spend the money on anything but entrances.

Anonymous said...

6:24 How correct you about fireworks? I'm never giving another dime for fireworks because this group screwed that up too....ROYALLY

Anonymous said...

Surpised by the lastest WL newsletter - mayor and police chief stating how great the fireworks were this year. One would think they lost credibility as WL public isn't stupid and knows exactly what went down.