Saturday, July 10, 2010

Might Be Time

The confusion about garbage pick-up reinforces the problem already identified during the 4th fiasco...the City has not identified a way to keep citizens informed about important issues, other than the good old fashioned way of taking phone calls during business hours (or you could do what I did and call my West ward aldermen). The City web site has an "e-Notification" feature which to the best of my knowledge is not functional. I signed up early on and have never received anything from the City. As you know WLIC has "Robo-call" which seems to be pretty effective. Then there is Twitter...the Mayor could tweet to his hearts content. No matter, there are many ways to attack the is just a matter of doing something.


Anonymous said...

I agree with the need for more updated methods of communication throughout our community FOR ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE.

BUT, people need to be responsible for their own lives. If you can't handle something as simple as your garbage, I'm really scared.

Ummmm, we all knew it's a holiday, we all generally have to think twice about when to put the garbage out after a holiday -- half the time people put their stuff out early because they forget about the holiday schedule altogether.

Not sure of what to do? Why is it soley City Hall's job to worry about our trash? If I recall, I pay the bill directly each month to Allied, not the city. I picked up the phone and called ALLIED! (816) 254-1470 with my questions (By the way, they hold regular biz hours so there was plenty of time throughout the week).

Maybe WL negotiates the contract for us, (i don't even know that's the case) but I've always thought it was my job to worry about minutea THAT small and let City Hall worry about the things for which I'm probably not qualified. Picking up a phone to ask should I walk to the end of my driveway with a bucket?..............Ummmm I can handle.

I'm really getting tired of all the mollycoddling this lake expects.

Anonymous said...

Had my trash out unusually early Friday morning. It is still there and so is other folks trash. This same thing happened a few months ago and it was picked up on a Sunday. Blame Allied Waste but get an after hours phone number. Better yet, make the trash day Thursday so there is someone to talk to the next day when they screw up.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you’re right XXX. But because we are a small community, we step away from the large city red tape to a city hall which is more like our neighbor. I feel like I’m calling my neighbor up the street when I have a question. I always find George and his crew, personnel at city hall, and our police department more than willing to help or answer a question. That is the luxury and beauty of our City of Weatherby Lake.

There’s a certain comfort in calling city hall. There’s comfort in knowing our police department looks after your house when you're gone. There’s comfort in George’s crew when one doesn’t know who else to turn to.

Is city hall responsible for conveying the trash schedule? No. But I guess one gets use to calling them for things like that because of the kind of community we are.

Anonymous said...

That's fine if it is comforting to you to call city hall to find out what your trash schedule is, since you don't feel its your responsibility to call the trash collectors themselves. But those who EXPECT the city to notify residents about a change in schedule is just plain nonsense. The city has nothing to do with the trash collectors schedule.

Anonymous said...

From 10:49 to 1:20. Please see posting on July 9th "Garage Out . . ". I'm the one that posted the first two postings. My trash was out and picked up on Friday - never called city hall. You missed the point. The point is our small town community lends itself to calling city hall with questions like trash pickup. I will repeat my previous posting "Is city hall responsible for conveying the trash schedule? No. But I guess one gets use to calling them for things like that because of the kind of community we are."
So 1:20, if you want a more by the book, no-extra-effort city hall, by all means get up to city hall, straighten them and the community out on the do's and don'ts one should expect from city hall. I'm sure we'll have a much better community for it.

Anonymous said...

9:04 you are missing the point as well. As was mentioned in a previous post if it makes you feel better to call city hall instead of calling the responsible party (ie trash collectors) then do so. It doesnt make sense to me but oh well. But what is totally unbelievable is the attitude by some people in the community that think it is the citys responsibility to keep them informed of any trash collection changes and feel justified in blasting the city employees for failing to keep them informed. That is just plain wrong. I called city hall after reading some of the prior posts just to ask if the city gets notified by the trash collectors when there is changes. the answer is NO. So why should the city employees have to call and check out the changes because some residents are too lazy to call themselves?