Sunday, September 19, 2010

Open Mike

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
7 September
BOA Comments

Vic mentioned the initiation of a new program by MARC (Mid America Regional Council). The program is a certification process for lawn services and landscape companies as part of the regional conservation district. Apparently the goal is to credential companies that practice "green" behaviors as part of their services. The program is just beginning so we will have to see how it develops.

Mary asked about the BOA request of the Planning Commission to review the Codes requirement for 15,000 sq ft for lots. This has been on the back burner for some time. Clerk Gwen mentioned she thought another matter was coming forth for the Planning Commission and she waited to combine the two issues. The issue didn't develop, so the BOA request is being sent to the Planning Commission for scheduling.

Tanya brought up the difference in cost to the City for hearings, Planning and BZA, versus how much the petitioners paid for fees to have the hearings. The cost for legal and court reporting exceeds the amount collected from fees. Attorney John responded the fee schedule could be revised based on the cost discrepancy. This lead to a discussion on how the cost of a new home or remodeling project is estimated in regards to a building permit (the fee is 1% of the project). George gave a somewhat vague discussion of the checks used to calculate sq ft and costs. When the it was suggested an applicant could halve the estimate to save money on the permit, George replied, "Bert (Woods) won't let them do that". I think the discussion was aimed at a couple of permits issued in the recent past that were remarkably cost efficient in the scope and nature of the finished structure.

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