Monday, February 20, 2012

Insider Treading

Question in last post Comments regarding the lack of posting on the City website for the EAGC meeting tomorrow night.  I don't know if the intention was to keep the meeting out of the general public eye but is it is interesting how the project has gone from a much ballyhooed project and fund raising with design options being made readily available, to the current small working group (Infrastructure) meeting during normal working hours to take the lead.  Who has been getting the updates and meeting info?  The EAGC members and "supporters".

Who are they?  Here is the list from the recent email sent to announce the EAGC meeting:
Pete Pierce, Lyn Pierce, Jeanette Prenger, Jason & Heather Doyle, Pat & Judy Kelly, Heather & Jim Graham,
Beth & Peter Moraitis, Debbie & David Folkedahl, Jerry Bos, Augie Grasis, Pam Grasis, Tom Henke, Kim James, Ron Knop, Dean Lawrence, Jim Miller, George Regan, Glenda Negrilli, Bob Pease, Ken & Roswitha Schaffer Marge & Ray Stockwell, Betty Turner, Laura Welch, Pat & Tony White, Diane Coleman, August & Ruta Grasis, Steve Cantrell, Scott Slaggie, Vic DeJong, Ursala Terrasi, Ron Surma, Lynn Hinkle, Lyle Phillips, Kristy Lawrence, Joyce McInerny, Bill Hornung, Alan York, Mary Hoy, Marianne Ennett, Scott Lehr, Tanya Finn, Marvin Sprinnger, Kim Wedman, Jack VanCleave, Kristopher Dabner, Gwen Cenac.

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Bob Pease
Image via Wikipedia


Anonymous said...

When was the last time the Mayor or BOA communicated to WL citizens? I think it was when the garbage fiasco blew up and the phones at city hall rang off the hook. If Jerry thinks his column in weatherby lake living does the trick, that is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so sure all on that list are supporters.

Anonymous said...

I don't get why this blog is so upset. These signs are not being paid for by our tax dollars. If we were having it shoved down our throat like the last WLIC assessment then that would be a different story. Granted, no Eastside sign makes no sense. And they certainly wasted $40,000 of KC's money. But just wait and see. There's going to be no Eastside sign for a very long time, a very minor few will complain but the majority WL lakers won't say anything or care.

Anonymous said...

Think about this -

Looks like Mayor Bos figured out there is little support for the signs. So he and others went to people with money asking for donations. Seems he's simply trying to make the community look better.

Same with the garbage collection. Like it or not, the community looks better with the newly forced–on-us trash containers

Don't get me wrong, could care less about signs or trash. But it does look like that's the intent. Yes, he appears to be a lousy communicator. But do WL citizens really care? Haven't picked up on any lingering complaints since the trash service had been implemented and we’re getting signs paid for by the rich people.

Not so bad.

Anonymous said...

Yes those nice bright blue garbage bins look real good stored outside everyones homes. Nice feature for the city! Lets buy another bean field. Let the good times roll!