Friday, February 10, 2012

Sunny Side Up

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
7 February

English: This is a cropped version of :Image:Z...
Image via Wikipedia
Mr Chris Shahbazi presented himself to the Board to discuss a proposal he is making to the City (Shabazi is a property owner in WL (unimproved lot) not a resident as identified by Mary Hoy in her meeting notes).  Shahbazi has a solar energy company (he did not identify the company name) and would like to convert City Hall to solar energy via solar panels.  He projects the City could save $100 to $125 a month and actually sell excess energy produced back to KCPL.

The devil is in the details.  The cost of the panels and installation could be up to $60,000.  According to Mr Shahbazi there is a federal "rebate" that would amount to $20,000.  The other $40,000?  He would donate to the City.  Vic, "what posses you to donate $40,000?"  The promise/hope of gaining private homes at the lake of converting to solar.

Shahbazi said he has already installed panels on City Hall for the Village of  Oakview, MO, a small burg off of Oak in Gladstone, apparently they are taking advantage of the deal.  His company is located in the area.  Contractual details need to be reviewed by the City Attorney, John said he had compiled "a list" during the discussion.,_Missouri

Outcome?  Mayor Bos, says we should "get a little group, get some people to kinda look a this".  Mary says in her notes a Committee will be formed, although that was not mentioned specifically at the BOA, maybe that was decided after the meeting was over.  In any event nothing formal, we shall see at next BOA meeting.
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