Saturday, November 3, 2012

Running On Empty

Mayor Bloomberg and NYC Marathon Race officials did an about face late yesterday and cancelled Sunday's race.  It was the right call, and in my opinion probably should have been made sooner.  I can't imagine runners making their way to the start amid all the ongoing trauma.

But I do understand the will to make the race happen.  The marathon is a unique race, pitting the will of the runner against the course...pure and simple.  For amateur runners it is the ultimate test.  I've done 3, two KC and one Chicago.  Hard training and aching recovery (just for grins, run three times around the lake, that is the minimum distance for a long training run).  It takes months of training and preparation, hopefully without a training injury.  But there is nothing like the feeling of being at the starting line, the excitement and maybe a little fear...can I beat the course or will the course beat me?

There were thousands of runners already in NYC, many from outside the US, they have to be very disappointed.  A lot of time (and money) spent without a finish line.  That is the true irony, it wasn't the course that beat them, it was the Frankenstorm, Sandy.

Me and Bubba have done quite a few half marathons (13.1 miles) together, most recently the KC race.  Same distance, always different.  I know that doesn't make any sense, you have to be there.  More than likely we'll do our Sunday lap around the lake and chat about the race that didn't happen.  At least we won't be running on empty.


Anonymous said...

Bloomberg got a lot of things right this week

Anonymous said...

Decent job for sure...his global warming theory a bit goofy, he should stick to running the City.

Anonymous said...

Recognizing scientific evidence of things like global warming and evolution is goofy

Chief Ronald MacMullan said...

Did you say running?

Chief Ronald MacMullan

Anonymous said...

Running after those Believe in America signs

They got blown away