Friday, November 30, 2012

Un-Pleasant Ford

I know some at WL have been giddy over WL being designated one of the top communities in MO.  The Mayor has gushed about it, so has Mary.  And of course we are all aware of the promise of increased property values due to the Entrance Monuments.  Nice.  Apparently our community is attractive enough to participate in the uptick in home sales in the metro.  There still remains some chronic problems the City seems not interested in dealing with...this is one.

8003 Pleasant Ford.  It has been problematic for two years or more.  Grass not being cut.  Then garbage next to the house.  Apparently abandoned at one point with household items piled next to the home.  Large tree felled in a storm.  Visible hole in the roof.  I mentioned this at a BOA two months ago.  One of the reasons/excuses for lack of action was that the property was in foreclosure.  Hmmm, the property now has a For Sale sign...and a nice blue tarp to cover the hole in the roof.  How would you like this across the street from you?


Anonymous said...

I know that some communities have homeowners association policies of no-rental properties in an effort to ensure property values remain high. I wonder if it's something that the WLIC has ever considered? There is a growing preponderance of them in our neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

So, what to then do about the people now renting that keep their properties nice and neat? Throw them out? Demand that the landlord sell the property?

With only 37 rentals on the lake, and most of them kept nicely, I can say we have more of a problem with "residents" that keep their places in visually distressed condition. Maybe we should start with them, first?

Anonymous said...

agree with 6:44, plenty of homeowners with obvious code violations (you can check online regarding the code). Why aren't codes enforced? Question for the mayor. Maybe a focus on cleaning up the city and enforcing codes would increase home values more than the silly monuments.