Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where is Waldo?

If you lived in Brookside like we did for many years, you would know. "Downtown" Waldo is around 75th and Wornall, lots of small businesses (our favorite pizza place in the whole world, Waldo Pizza), a small town feel in a big City, another well kept secret. Changed a little bit with the construction of two big box drug stores, but all in all still pretty much the same. Quaint. No signs to indicate you are there, none to announce you are leaving.

Was on a teleconference yesterday with managers from across the country. I was introducing myself to the group when I was asked, "Is Weatherby Lake near Kansas City or St Louis?" My stock reply is "near KCI" because most of the business folks I deal with have at least been to the airport. I kind of like the anonymity we have. Best kept secret? Could be. Do we have an identity problem? Don't think so. Do we identify ourselves like Riss Lake, The National or Tiffany Greens? Nope. Just a quiet suburban bedroom community with a lake, smack dab in the middle. To me, the Lake is our monument, it defines, in part, who we are.

Where in the world in Weatherby Lake?

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