Monday, October 13, 2008


Toured the City recycling bins Saturday with the Queen (Tanya Finn) and Princess (Sarah Moratz) of WL Recycling. The good news=recycling continues to pick up, the bad news=we need to be smarter when we drop off recycling. The City Hall recycling bin was stuffed on Saturday, after being emptied last Tuesday. The bin could have held much more if users had crushed cans/bottles and broken down the cardboard boxes. The boxes are especially a problem because if they turn side ways or upside down they take up an enormous amount of space. Can you help us out? Thanks!

Speaking of recycling, the official beginning of the new WL Recycling effort begins this Sunday at the Community Center, 3 to 5 PM, the same time/place as the Octoberfest. Informative recycling displays and "green giveaways" will be available hosted by the WL Park Board.

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