Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I had this feeling I missed something...4th of July! Alderman Tanya Finn headed up the fundraising for the Fireworks Fund, which was very successful last year. The fund currently has a surplus. Cost per year, $12,000, your fair share=$17.

Another footnote for 2009. If the WLIC pursues purchase of lakefront property to expand dock space, additional capital will be necessary. Whatever manner it is funded, your fair share for 2009 will increase.

Speaking of property, apparently a developer is interested in developing the Sonoma Ridge tract. The plan is controversial to say the least. What would your reaction be to allow structures other than single family dwellings in Sonoma?


Anonymous said...

What is the current balance of the
fireworks fund? Shouldn't it be
transfered to the General Fund to
be used elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I think if it is firework fund, that is where it should stay and it is sapposed to carry over to the following year. We are not "allowed" to take funds from other structures and put them towards "fireworks, etc" why would we do the reverse to that fund????

dan soule said...

I wish the fireworks fund was the big issue, I am much more concerned with big tickets like entrance monuments vs. property, water & sewer taxes and paying our police fairly, to name a few essentials versus the fanciful entrance monuments.

PS; how about WLIC increases to cover the cost of dredging with all that mud coming into the lake. Funds from the past litigation of offenders must be running low.

mike moratz said...

State law requires the water and sewer funds to be maintained as separate accounts and used exclusively for those enterprises. The General Fund is just that, everything else. When "sub funds" like Fireworks, Community Center, Monuments are established it does become a bit murky. If a fundraiser goes way over, what happens to the excess?...if it turns up way short is the money returned? What about anonmyous donations? If there is a community emergency (severe storm) does the BOA spend the Fireworks money for disaster relief? I think you will find the BOA has wide latitude to spend money under control of the City, regardless of your donation intent.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Dan Soule. Why do we need monuments and round abouts ??? When we have other major issues coming up around our wonderful lake. Isn't the LAKE our monument? Let's take great care of it.

Anonymous said...

I too agree. Why do we need "monuments" or other structures to enter our community. Don't we have much bigger issues?? How about taxes keep going up and people keep losing jobs. Is a monument going to pay a bill if someone lost a job? I didn't think so. Is the outside world going to say "Oh I wish I lived at Weatherby, they have such great monuments when you enter the streets!! Let's get real people and focus on the bigger issues!

Anonymous said...

Fiscal responsibility is going to the wayside on unnecessary items. It started with the mindset of the Hoy-White community center upgrade when no budget was in place for it. This was during a time when city hours were cut and other city services were strained. People NEED to go to the council meetings and start objecting.