Monday, April 13, 2009

Bobby and Betty

Recent Sun Gazette article had interesting quotes from some Northland notables involved with the ongoing MAST crisis. Bobby Kincaid, president of the South Platte County Ambulance District (SPCAD) Board of Directors said he was concerned about response times and additional costs to the district contract if the MAST kidnapping took place. Almost funny, turn back the clock, and hot button issues in the formation of the district were response times and additional cost. What most WL voters believed was there would be no improvement in response times but added cost. Tadaa! Thanks, Bobby. Now the shoe is on the other foot.

Another backer of the formation of SPCAD, Presiding Commissioner Betty Knight, has weighed in on the crisis. Her position? "Neutral" Huh? You might recall her comments at the town hall meeting held here at our own CC when the SPCAD issue was coming up on the ballot. No neutral there. The overall positive vote bailed out Betty and her fellow commissioners to fix a festering problem in rural South Platte that had been ignored by the County Board. If you ever bump into Betty you might ask her how things are going with NRAD, the provider of ambulance service in northern Platte county, especially in regards to costs to taxpayers in that district. Can you say $$$.


Anonymous said...

Well this is some matching of minds,Bobby & Betty. Bobby grand ideas are only self serving. He can,t operate or function any other way. His ego needs constant feeding. As for Betty,well it appears she has met her match as far as B.S. ers go. In fact as of today "Bobby Boy" really played her for a fool. Then again,Bobby must remember,not all Platte Co. voters buy his cock & bull, "I only want to serve the people" garbage. Bobby has even used Jason Brown,making him appear like a fool when he was conned into drawing this up. Boy this Kincaid is a sneaky snake. Good luck to Jason Brown and may the truth come out about Bobby Kincaid as we in the Village know the real article,and it ain,t pretty!

Anonymous said...

This is what Jason Brown did while the knife was unbeknownst being stuck by grinning Bobby & his family to him. Its official a a true copy.It can be found here.

DG 1 parch 5833C.01
House Resolution No. 4166
Whereas, the members of the Missouri House of Representatives recognize the significance of the
institution of marriage as a vital foundation of American society and wholeheartedly believe that a successful
union can be achieved only through a loving relationship of mutual honor, respect, and trust; and
Whereas, a period of five wondrous decades has passed since Bobby Kincaid lovingly took the
hand of his beautiful bride, Beverly Copeland, during a solemn ceremony on June 8, 1957, at the Baptist Church
in Weston, Missouri; and
Whereas, in the years since that heavenly day, Bobby and Beverly Kincaid have had the pleasure
of raising three children, Steven, Teresa, and Linda, and the privilege of spoiling eight grandchildren; and
Whereas, Bobby Kincaid has compiled an impressive record of achievement that includes serving
as a Branch Chief with the Corps of Engineers, where he worked for forty-two years prior to his retirement, as
President of the Southern Platte County Ambulance District, as Vice President of the Consolidated Public Water
Supply District of Platte County, as a Liaison between Platte County and the Corps of Engineers, as an avid
runner, and as a member of numerous committees; and
Whereas, a devoted wife, loving mother, and exemplary homemaker, Beverly Kincaid further
distinguished herself by serving in various positions, including that of secretary for forty years prior to her
retirement; as a Clerk for the Village of Farley; and as an avid reader; and
Whereas, Bobby and Beverly Kincaid derive a tremendous amount of spiritual fulfillment through
their affiliation with Farley Christian Church, a place of worship that has special meaning to them as cherished
members; and
Whereas, Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid of Farley commemorated the resplendent occasion of their
Golden Wedding Anniversary with a special celebration on June 10, 2007, at the Riverfront Community Center
in Leavenworth, Kansas:
Now, therefore, be it resolved that we, the members of the Missouri House of
Representatives, Ninety-fourth General Assembly, join in extending our most hearty congratulations to Bobby
and Beverly Kincaid and in wishing them only the best as they continue their journey walking hand-in-hand
along life's path; and
Be it further resolved that the Chief Clerk of the Missouri House of Representatives be
instructed to prepare a properly inscribed copy of this resolution for Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Kincaid.
Offered by ______________________________________
Representative Jason Brown
District No. 30
I, Rod Jetton, Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Ninety-fourth General Assembly, First Regular Session, do
certify that the above is a true and correct copy of House
Resolution No. 4166, adopted July 3, 2007.
Rod Jetton, Speaker

Anonymous said...

It appears that Bobby Kincaid is just a self serving phoney! Being a slickster as Kincaid will come back to haunt him. He's stepped on to many people in our county to feebly attempt to promote himself. I think the Dems are only using him to fill a space on the ballot.Jason Brown is so much more qualified to serve the needs of the county that people won,t even enable to "get out of the starting gate". My knowlrdge of both men only reinforce my belief that Brown will do a great job .

Anonymous said...

Take it from a long time Farley,Mo. resident,Bob Kincaid and his entire family are a bunch of self serving phonies.From thier days as flunkies for Jim Farley (they still do his bidding as you can see by "Bobby" running for P.C. of Platte Co.)to this present day. They have such huge egos that one can only imagine the vast amount of feeding it takes to satisfy thier bottomless pit for someone kissing thier a**. Everything they touch is only that which will benifit them. Scr** the common mans needs. As they continue to fill thier pockets,they joyfully go about thier way,lieing,useing,and betraying people.This is an evil self-serving family that must NEVER be believed and seen for the hypocrites they really are. They have wrecked our Christian Church her in Farley,totally screwed-up our village board of trustees by getting thier lieing daughter (Teresa Kincaid Bing)into the postion of "head of the board". Then they loaded the board with Farley residents that are to stupid to think for themselves,so they follow the "satans daughter" (teresa kincaid bing)in whatever she wants. In closing I,ll again warn the voters of Platte Co.,DON'T EVER trust a Kincaid! If you want to be able to tell if a Kincaid is lying,look to see if thier lips ar moving. Ask Jason Brown or Betty Knight if you doubt my words.