Thursday, April 16, 2009

Formerly Known As...

Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA

Tuesday night's BOA had its share of thrills and spills, just like a demolition derby at the Platte County Fair.

Mr Bossert took his seat and Pat White, formerly known as one of the East Ward alderman was recognized for her service to the community. Thanks Pat, I'm sure you will attest, it was a challenging job.

Each year the BOA elects one of its own to be President of the Board and Mayor Pro Tem. Mary Hoy was the incumbent. The election for President was opened by Mayor Bos requesting nominations. Vic nominated Tanya Finn, Ed Bossert nominated Mary. Vic voted for Finn, Mary voted for Finn...done deal. Mary, formerly known as Mayor Pro Tem, passed the baton to the new Mayor Pro Tem, Tanya Finn. Let's hope Tanya shows leadership that was absent during Mary's reign.

Speaking of formerly known as Mayor Pro Tem Mary, I understand Mary's PBTF (Pay By The Flush) proposal didn't generate much enthusiasm by the BOA. Her First Tier/Second Tier discussion needed a heavy dose of bioxide (the chemical we use in the sewers to eliminate the stink). City Attorney John advised the BOA a public hearing needed to be posted (30 days in advance) to consider the change in the calculation of the rate. Looks like the voters for write-ins Sparrow and Fickle were right on. This idea is going down with the next flush and into the grinder pump. Porta Potties were not discussed although it might be the next possible solution to the "inequity" of the sewer rate.


Tea Doff said...

In a comparison with "The Wizard of Oz", Mayor Bos likened Pat White to having the "Heart" of the community. Notably absent from the audience was Munchkin Mike Moratz, presumably he is still trying to learn the words to "If I Only Had a Brain". He did send the Wicked Witch of the Westside to take notes for him, hence the uncalled for digs at Hoy. Lets hope that the Wizard can bring some sense to this blog, otherwise we will still continue to be barraged by crappy opinions.

Sherry said...

Oh TD, you really are a very angry person. Are you upset because Mike beat you to the blog idea? Maybe you might offer some constructive criticism for us loyal blog readers. Who is the 'Wicked Witch of the Westside' anyway?

Anonymous said...

I think Pat White did a great job as alderman for her community. I think we all owe a Thank You for the service and a job well done.

Lastly, I don't understand how you can dig at TD? Why don't you say the say about Mike's comments? They are obviously aimed to put Alderman Hoy down. Are you really that "one sided" Sherry that Mike can say what he wants and TD can not??

Anonymous said...

Can you please tell me what Pat White did as Alderman?

Anonymous said...

Wow. You got to be kidding me. First and foremost, she ran for the office and volunteered her time. (more than I can say for the most of us) Second, she organized many successful events which was for the betterment of the lake (i.e. Soldiers fund raiser, etc) Third, she has had to endure the crap from this site from people (like you) who choose not to run but to wait on the side lines and criticize the way that government is run.

To steal a line from a movie "I would rather you just say thank you for the freedom I provide, otherwise grab a rifle and stand my watch".

She stood our watch when most people would have nothing to do with it. Just look at our last election. It is because of folks from this site that no one wants to be part of city government.

"What has she done?" Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

I check this blog on occasion but have always avoided posting. Mainly because I disagree with many of the post and I don't think it is right to be publically critical of anyone.

However, Pat White is my sister and I am proud that she wanted to help this community and was the Eastside Alderperson for two past years.

Thanks Pat for your willingness to serve!

Paul F. Stevenson

Anonymous said...

Pat White did our community a great service by not running. She finally saw the light. It is not a surprise her friends and family sing her praises. Her personal agenda made sure they were on her priority list. There are others she burned. Not knowing Ed Bossert personally, all indications are he will bring to our city experience, integrity, and a positive practical perspective void of any partiality.

Anonymous said...

Not sure how Ed Bossert came into the Weatherby Lake political picture but have the impression Jerry Bos was a supporter. Kudos to Jerry Bos for supporting someone with background our city needs.

Anonymous said...

The fact she was willing to serve is one thing...and a big thing...and enough. The fact she was involved with "Saving the Community Center", the "Support the Troops" fundariser, the "Clean up day" etc, while and before she was alderman speaks highly of her commitement to this city. She also voted positively for the new city equipment (trucks and mules) and helped with last year's Dam Party. Additionally she has helped plant fowers and maintain Birmingham Park. What else do you need.....? How did Mike do as alderperson in camparison????? Let's see...our police protection was decreased by one shift, our Community Cneter was on the verge of closing and many of our street repairs and maintenance was on the verge of collapse. That is how Pat White found this community and she left it with a windfall in funds (even with Community Center enhancements).

What has she cannot possibly come up with anything but excellent!

Anonymous said...

Yes, planting flowers is certainly an important qualification in order to be a WL alderman. And voting for new city equipment, well, what can one say, that ranks up there with the level of Governor of Missouri. Our new alderman? . . . his decades of experience in city planning is minuscule in comparison to these astounding achievements.

Anonymous said...

Planting flowers was all you took from the accomplishments? Do you need glasses? By the way, did I miss something??? Was she running against Ed Bossert?

Anonymous said...

8:45 AM In answer to "What has she done?" Nothing for the infrastructure of Weatherby Lake. No different than the empty promises from Mary Hoy as listed in Mike's post of April 3rd. The social activities you list are nothing more than that. What you fail to address, which would appear you're not cognizant of, is the gossip and bashing of undeserved souls. You don't like the comments on this blog? Turn around is fair play. There is good one can do for the community and then there are things one does just to look good.

Anonymous said...

The reason the Community Center was slated to be closed was because the community was unwilling to pass a budget.

Probably an organized effort.

Some of the "accomplishments" that come thru in some of these blogs are good but this is a city not a club.

What prevailed wasnt an act of government but rather love thy neighbor and maybe he will pay for my community center with donations.

Mayberry mentality is a small community government where personal agendas and endless backstabbing bickering come before good responsible decisions.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 3:45AM. Well said.

Paul F. Stevenson, I suggest you look in your own backyard before making statements like "I don't think it is right to be publically critical of anyone." 10:44PM said it well: "What you fail to address . . . is the gossip and bashing of undeserved souls." Your sister and cohorts' comments weren't exactly private over the last two years.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3:45AM. This shouldn't be a club.

I voted for Ed Bossert because I care about the roads and network of our city, not the latest social event.

Anonymous said...

I believe the problem is, not about what a councilman (woman) should or should not have done, it is how they respect and treat people in the process.

Anonymous said...

What bashing of undeserved souls was done? Is there proof or anyone out there that heard any of the aldermen/council bash someone? If so, please give examples of stuff you heard first hand.

Anonymous said...

We have first hand experience. No point in further details. It's over with. So chalk this up to another untruthful blog if you like. Makes little difference.

Anonymous said...

If it is over with, why are we still obsessing about it on this blog? Further, you fail to give details but continue to "bash"! As you say, it is over. Move on or state your case.

Anonymous said...

This blog is why we have problems....

"I believe the problem is, not about what a councilman (woman) should or should not have done, it is how they respect and treat people in the process"

What this means apparently is its not about your performance but that you are nice.

If you believe that please ask your friends run the Womens Club and be nice about things there.

We really need people in governent who will do the right things and do things right.

Remember when most of you voted for a president you would most like to have a beer with?

Anonymous said...

No. What that means - it is easy to tear apart someone's performance on city council when most likely the moaner has some personal issue which has nothing to do with the city council. Personal issue could be anything. Maybe Pat White said something that was taken wrong and bam!! she's suddenly being torn apart because she on city council. Or maybe she has treated someone poorly who is using this blog as a venting tool. Have no idea. Simply surmising there may be something more personal going on here than what she did or didn't do on city council. Pat Medill has been beaten up a few times by someone posting on this blog. Sure seems to be about a personal issue.

Anonymous said...


Sorry about the negativity

Give examples of what was accomplished

Please dont answer with what this blog is or isnt

State the accomplishments that are not social

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous of 5:57:
If you had attended the city council meetings over the last 2 years, then you would know. If you had been involved in various city projects to benefit the community (yes, including planting flowers!), then you would know.
What have you done over the last 2 years to benefit this community?

Anonymous said...

Oh I see

Most of the posts above are about what has or has not been accomplished besides planting flowers

When asked to give examples the only one mentioned was planting flowers

The topic was about what has been accomplished by our elected officials not about me If you recall I have been in Military prison becuase I was responsible for the death of Private Santiago

The dishonorable Col. Nathan R. Jessep

Anonymous said...

6:20: Outside of planting flowers and social events, can you name specific, tangible projects accomplished in the last two years which secured or enhanced the infrastructure of WL. "Go to meetings and you'll know" has no substance. And if you can, who spearheaded them?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:20 AM

You want answers

You want the truth

You cant handle the truth

Alderman have words like honor andcode

I have neither the time nor the inclination to tell you what I have done the last 2 years

I walk the line .I am nice

Your damm right I planted flowers

I would rather you just say thank you

mike moratz said...

Code Red Flowers said...

Okay . . .
Thank you for doing your job of planting flowers.

Anonymous said...

More suitable version

Have you ever served in a foward position?

Ever written a community e mail ?

We plant flowers or people die

Are we clear now?

Anonymous said...

No but I'm sure it's crystal clear to you.

Thank you for being so engaging.

Anonymous said...

You are welcome

I am trying to be engaging and or at least as comical as some of the knuckleheads out there