Saturday, April 11, 2009

WLIC Board Meeting April 20th, 7PM

If you are on the list serve for WLIC, you just received the monthly meeting reminder. It would be easy to overlook a sentence inserted after the reminder, "The Board of Directors will consider the suspension of a Membership". That's it, no name, no circumstances. Let's fill in the blanks. There has been an ongoing discussion among the Board regarding a situation involving a member, living on the East side, who has removed vegetation and trees from WLIC property without permission. Apparently the situation has escalated to the point where suspension of membership is being considered. Need/want more info? I recommend talking with a Board member or go to the meeting.


Anonymous said...

There is more than meets the eye here Mike. If this Eastside resident is who I think it is, the property in question is being bombarded with a city water line break which the city had been dening for months. WLIC property and this Eastside member's property is turning into a swamp. The city has been skirting the issue and placing blame on others. The the cost of property damage is rising. It was not until recent has the city been forced to address it.

Anonymous said...

Would think that if it was turning into a swamp, seems to me that large trees would help absorb the water.

Anonymous said...

The "swamp" is killing what vegetation is left.

Anonymous said...

What vegetation

The vegetation on WLIC property ?

Is that justification to cut down trees that you dont own on property you dont own all because the water from a water main leak is turning WLIC property in to a swamp?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....if in fact a water main break was an issue, how does cutting down beautiful mature trees solve?

Or is just a fantastic coincidence that cutting down trees on someone else's property both solved a water issue and improved a view? Clear cutting solved both below and above the ground problems!

Anonymous said...

A culprit is cutting down trees not on their property to enhance their own property. I guess one could then claim a fact-or-fiction water leak is the reason there is no vegetation. Sounds like an effort not to take responsibility and shift fault. Not exactly sure who this person is but if I were to guess who, this person is known for intrusion activities.

Anonymous said...

So how did it turn out?

Anonymous said...

The WLIC property in question use to be a dense forest. The people involved have slowly pecked away at it over the years.

Anonymous said...

Someone out there has bound to have pictures of what it use to look like.

Anonymous said...

It looks better now than it ever did.