Thursday, April 2, 2009

Catching Up

Out of town the past two days and missed the Sewer Hearing. Cliff Notes from a couple of the attendees.
  • 9 citizens in attendance
  • 50 minute hearing or so
  • BOA will proceed with $12 increase for sewer next BOA mtg (14 April)
  • Grinder fee will be kept in place

BOA relying on the Instituform vendor regarding the upgrade of the gravity sewer system. City Engineer does not agree with Instituform on amount of upgrade they can perform, he believes some of the sewer will have to big dug up and replaced. The difference? Instituform upgrade will be around $80,000, City Engineer estimates over $300,000 with a combination of Instituform and replacement of pipe. Who is right? Let's hope Instituform is on the money, because there is no money to fund a sewer project beyond the $80,000 mark.

There were some questions regarding water from the audience. Yes, the water meter fee is going away. Where did the money go? Into the Water Fund on various projects.nnot for meters of course Question is, if the fee is going away and the BOA is not passing along the rate increase from KCMO effective May 1 where will that leave us? Long term, in my opinion, not in a good place. The system still needs repairs, and our customers outside the City who need system work. The City eating the increase is not smart...because...we are the City.

Hey Mr Bossert/Ms Surma, that's an issue to sink your teeth into.


Anonymous said...

Why Ms. Surman, did I miss an election

Anonymous said...

De Surma is running for Eastside alderman as a write-in candidate.