Saturday, April 25, 2009

Silly Little Rules

This week's issue of the Sun Gazette has an article about a state audit of Public Water Supply District #6, just to our west. The audit was caused by a successful petition drive by a citizen. The article quotes the VP of the water district saying in regard to the citizens concerns "he was probably correct in reference to the Sunshine Law". Yipes, I bet their attorney (hope they have one) is swallowing hard after reading that statement. Isolated situation, right? Wrong. Ironically I encountered Sunshine Law problems in a project I am working on this past month. The Florida State Nursing Board had to reschedule a meeting twice because of failure to properly give notice for the meeting.

What's the deal? Government business is different than commerce or clubs. At work if I want to have a meeting, I schedule it on Outlook, set up a Live Meeting and away we go. Most of our clubs have regularly scheduled meetings, nothing prevents them from having leadership pow-wows whenever they want, no problem. The Entrance Committee or Audit Committee can get together anytime to chat, informally, about "stuff"...problem. Casual meetings, phone conferences, polling emails can all be part of a potential Sunshine violations. Are you a member of a City board or committee? Sunshine might seem silly but not very entertaining when questions have to be answered. Best bet? The City Attorney can keep you on the straight and narrow. It's not just a rule, it is the law.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From water bills to waterboarding attorneys can keep you on the strait and narrow.

As you know we are a nation of laws.