Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Last Night's Special Board Meeting

Email from EAGC Chair Jim Miller:

I am very pleased to report that this evening the B of A unanimously approved the recommendation of the EAG, so our Entrance project will proceed!

Due to the generosity of 10 supporters who had previously signed pledges and were willing to make their total pledge "now" or part of it up front, I was able appear before the B of A with an envelope containing checks totaling $134,000. These donors had authorized me to give their checks to the City subject to an affirmative vote of the Alderman. So after the vote I handed the envelope to Gwen. Lyle, Ray, Marge, Scott, Ursula, Ron, Vic, George and others who were in attendance received a round of applause for their great work and for all those who have moved the project along!

The $134,000 added to the $20,615 balance in our Entrance account results in a total of $154,615 in the account, which is sufficient to complete the 3 entrances and proceed with the bidding for the Eastside-Barry Road. We need an additional $37,000 to proceed with the Barry Road construction. The most effective situation for us to be in would be to proceed with all the hardscape of the 4 entrances, so any contributions that you could make at this time would be extremely helpful. Joyce, Kristy and I have been keeping track of these contributions so please contact any of us.

Overall, this was a very good day for our Entrance Project! Thanks very much to all who have participated, and we will keep you informed of progress.

Jim Miller

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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