Thursday, March 15, 2012

National Sunshine Week

Yes, the weather is fab but no I'm not pointing out the forecast this week.  I'm referring to articles in a number of local and national publications that are focusing on the public right to information regarding government.

USA Today:
"During Sunshine Week, it's worth noting that efforts by governments to keep information secret undercuts American's right to know"
KC Star:
"State and local governing bodies routinely violate Missouri's open government laws according to a report by Auditor Tom Schweich."

The sunshine laws really define the difference between government and other organizations, clubs and businesses.  Accountability to the public can be uncomfortable at times, and maybe even viewed by some as unnecessary.  Too bad.  The business of the City is your business, not just "supporters" and not just when officials think you need to know.
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Anonymous said...

Must think they are only accountable to 'Cheneys law" of the unitary executives.

Maybe its just when you dont agree with the people you dont agree who dont care what you think

It only matters when they create a great big shipwreck like we had in 2008

Anonymous said...

Dick finally has a heart