Friday, April 18, 2008

I Got Your Back, Mary

Two omissions from Mary's Board notes were:
  1. Lively discussion regarding the Park Board budget, planning and process. My impression was there was a bit of confusion regarding role of the Board in relation to the Park Board. Although this has been discussed many times in the past (apparently current Board members Hoy, Finn and White forgot) and new members Mayor Boss and Alderman DeJong were not present (remember they just started attending meetings in January) I thought I would direct their attention, and yours, to RSMO Chapter 90, Parks and Recreation (Cities), Section 90.550, August 28, 2007 (Missouri State Statutes). This should make it crystal clear. Thanks, Marvin, for your patience in what seems an annual event. Our Park Board through the years has produced, for the size of our City, All-American facilities in my opinion. (Full Disclosure-My wife is Vice-President of the Board, and my praise in no way is an attempt to gain any personal favors from her)
  2. Speaking of Boards, it was also mentioned Tuesday there is an open position on the Weatherby Lake Fire Protection District. It is a separate entity from the City but provides a very important function in coordinating (and paying for) Fire Protection and Emergency Response to our City. I believe Bob Renton is current president, his phone number is in the new WL phone book.


Will said...

I have sent e-mails to the Weatherby Lake Citizens for Better Government asking them to reveal their names as they stated they would in a previous email. Have you seen these names? Would you please post them if you have them available.

mike moratz said...

I was on their list as well, and have not seen anything on ID. If I do or someone receives it and shares it with me I will post.

WLBagLady said...

Does anyone else feel the ground shaking?

Wrapped beneath the cloak of political accuracy, watchdog for checks/balances and the cry for more formal municipal structure, we are disrupting the very foundation of why many pontificate that Weatherby is a great place to live.

I’ve been around for decades and the ability for us to benefit from MODERATE formal structure, and the FLUIDITY of rules and regulations is what has molded this community into a unique experience.

Caution: With a community of only 750 households (caveat for PC accuracy: -- based on Phone Book estimates only), we should be careful of creating such an atmosphere of contention and nit picking. Would YOU (avg. WL citizen) ever want to govern in the future?

I read this blog for the very same reason you do…..but I’m also very aware……

If you build it, they WON'T come. Nor will they stay.