Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Promises Over, Performance Begins

Congratulations to all the winners in yesterdays election. More than a few residents will breathe a sigh of relief to see the election signs disappear, electioneering phone calls halt and the mail return to normal, junk mail and all. I imagine you'll be happy to see the election emails dwindle as well. Next Tuesday the newly elected officials, along with their presiding colleagues begin a new year of governing the City. Election promises and posturing will now become the yard stick for performance. How will they do? For all of our sakes, outstanding I hope. Like all cities Weatherby Lake has its share of challenges. In many regards, we are in better shape than most cities around us. That is due, in my opinion, to the leadership of Mayor York and the the strong support of the department heads, George Lowman, Public Works, Gary McMullin, Police and Gwen Cenac, City Clerk. A strong base for the future.

So, our responsibility as voters is over, right? We voted for our candidates and governmental life moves on. Here is food for thought. Who holds the elected officials accountable for their responsibilities and their promises? We should. How do we do that? By being engaged. Lots of ways to do that. It takes a little time, it takes a little effort. That is your and my responsibility. At least that is, As I See It.


sherry said...

Ladies and gentlemen. Better hit the ground running and be ready to have your feet held to the fire. The last time inexperience prevailed we ended up with a new and expensive Ambulance District that will never ever go away.

Anonymous said...

Our "new" officials may not have city experience, BUT neither did the previous officials the "First" time they were elected, they worked and learned together, let's allow our newly elected officials the same courtesy. These "newbies" are educated and intelligent, live in our community and have vast experience in the business world.

mike moratz said...

When does a newbie become a veteran? How long a period of time does it take to become fully effctive?

Anonymous said...

First of all, having recently discovered your forum, wanted to thank you for providing a place to ask questions and receive information.
My inquiry is - has anyone found the Weatherby Lake Newsletter to be biased or highly selective in submitted articles? Who are the board of directors on this newsletter? Some time ago we submitted an event (a couple of paragraphs in length) which we thought was very noteworthy. When it came out in the newsletter it was edited down to two lines - no explanation. Similar but far less significant accomplishments have been given half-page and full page coverage. We figured we weren't part of the "in" crowd and decided we'll never do that again.

mike moratz said...

Weatherby Lake Living is a private publication, supported by advertising. I understand the concern about editing. Pat Medill is the editor. In their Editorial Policy they mention "articles are screened by the Board". I do not know who is on the board, I recommend asking Pat or Met Media Group.

There is a big void for Lake news in my opinion. A paper format is expensive and not timely. Electronic is timely but not everyone is "connected". We could have a free for all type blog...that would get out of control quickly. I'd certainly like to see ideas.

mike moratz said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how long it takes for a newbie to become effective, but in the case of two incumbents, evidently it's longer than their tenure.

mike moratz said...

FYI, the City News (Mayor) and Kops Korner (Police) in WL Living are paid articles by the City of WL at a cost of $125 each per year.