Monday, April 14, 2008

Mayor York

Tomorrow is Alan's last day on his term as Mayor. Thought I would post a few thoughts reflecting on the past two years under his leadership.

He took office after, what I would call, a chaotic two years of his predecessor. A huge amount of time had been spent keeping the City Government from capsizing, and dealing with controversial issues like the Ambulance District. The BOA had gone as far as passing a censure measure against the previous mayor. Personnel issues had lingered. The Community Center funding issue was festering. There was much to do.

Alan jumped right in. His expertise in finance was sorely needed. He set about reviewing all aspects of WL financial health. He proposed a new City Treasurer. He ensured training on the city financial software was up to date A review of the City audit over the past two years would review a remarkable turnaround. He found mistakes large and small that could have cost us all. He set in motion an opportunity that led to a County grant for the City. He developed annual budgets that provided forward the purchase of salt in advance of this past winter season. We had salt when other cities had none or very little.

Finally this City had planning that made investments in equipment that serve our needs, truck for Roads&Street, new Police cruiser, a sealing machine that will help maintain our streets. Alan and George Lowman set into motion a plan that is replacing our crumbling storm water system in WL. West Side was paved.

There is more, much more. Some of it has been captured in his campaign literature, I won't recap it. He has been a 24/7 Mayor, ask Gary, George or Gwen. Ask Alan about being in his PJs in the wee hours of the morning at the Water Tower. A software glitch had caused a problem...there was no water in the tower. Who knew what to do? Alan.

My biggest criticism of Alan. He didn't tell us enough about all the things he did to make the City tick. That's not his style. We were clueless weren't we, because everything continues to purr right along. And so it is.

Challenges will confront the City moving forward to be sure. Our expectations are high. Hopefully Jerry Bos can continue to fulfill those high expectations. Please join me in thanking Alan for his service to our Community. Give him a call, drop him a line. Doesn't have to be fancy. Just Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I have talked to Alan one on one to thank him for his time, talent and service, I'll take the opportunity to thank him here as well. Quite frankly, with all that has been done under his watch, most of which just happens without fanfare, I'm more than surprised that he wasn't re-elected. I believe he should have been.

Again, thank you to Alan for devoted service to all of us.

Scott Lehr